BA 2900 ( Final draft of my cover letter)

    Can you see my first draft of my Cover Letter and fix it please? I gave my instructor these information in the first time and he wants my to fix and add more information. Can you write the final Cover Letter please?
    Cover Letter
    My age
    My address
    My phone number
    My eamil
    Dear Sir/Madam
    Im interested in the position with the position being provided by XYZ bank and believe that my education background and past experience are best suited for this job.
    During my working period in the Saudi British Bank I recognized my interests in public relations and marketing. The position that I was previously in was that of Customer Care Service where is used to deal with the queries that the customers put forward. This was whether they were satisfied with the services offered at the back and whether they were not satisfied and wanted further advice. I was able to use my effective communication skills and experience in marketing to assist the bank in realizing its potential and promote their goal. I became a valuable asset for the company due to my skills and commitment to my work.
    I believe that the experience that I have in marketing and personal skills make me suitable and the best candidate for the position that the bank is offering. I am diligent and very passionate about the work that I have been assigned to do. I will be a very valuable skill in the bank and will use it as an opportunity so that I will be able to develop my marketing skills and those of the company.
    Cover Letter
    My age
    My address
    My phone number
    My eamil
    Thank you very much for considering the application I gave out for the candidacy of the job. I will follow up in a week to confirm that all the necessary documents that I had given out were received. You can also contact me through the following email for any questions or any problems and notifications. The email is …..
    Best regards
    My name

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