Aviation business strategy

    What I want from the writer for the research or assignment ?
    1. I attached 6 files , File 1 Aviation strategy assignment , please
    read it well so you can know what exactly the instructor want from us.
    File #2 Aviation Strategy Emirates- 140 A380 Assignment marking criteria
    (1) Is exactly what the instructor want, he divided the assignment or
    research in group for the result or grading the final research or
    assignment. Please follow more carefully each section.
    There are 3 more files that we attached that may help you more in the
    research or assignment, which has some information.
    2. One of the important section that we have to focus on the market in
    Europe and America
    3. We need to do an excel sheet of the most important destination which
    will help a lot of customer. For example Bangkok , Philippines, Miami,
    Singapore, etc.

    4. In each section of the assignment or research, the instructor told us
    to make a conclusion.
    5. We need to mention the reference information if it possible to click
    and it will give you to the given link of the reference information that
    you took.
    We need you to give more time to study it very well and so as we will
    have good results regarding the research or assignment
    when you reference something like a quote make sure you try to re-phrase it because we have a system that detect fraud by how much you copied from the internet with a maximum of 15% allowed

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