
January 12, 2018

Public Policy

Think of international corporations, how much power they have versus government. If you balance the 2 off, who would you say has more power to effect […]
January 12, 2018

In this graded assignment, you will complete a multi-paragraph essay on a plan to use operant conditioning to change one of your own behaviors. This assignment uses the Write Experience system in MindTap, which will automatically score your essay and provide you with detailed instant feedback on your writing. Details regarding the requirements for the essay are found in Write Experience. You should strive to earn a score of 4.5 on your essay in Write Experience by the end of this week.

To what degree can research within the social science be considered “scientific”? What are some of the challenges that coincide with carrying out scientific research?   […]
January 12, 2018

plan to use operant conditioning to change one of your own behavior

In this graded assignment, you will complete a multi-paragraph essay on a plan to use operant conditioning to change one of your own behaviors. This assignment […]
January 12, 2018

Should You Believe A Statistical Study?

We are bombarded by statistical information from a wide variety of sources. Much of the statistical research performed in the world is conducted with a great […]
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