Australian Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) individuals are known to experience rates of mental illness far above the national average, with suicide rates significantly higher in some communities.

    Australian Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) individuals are known to experience rates of mental illness far above the national average, with suicide rates significantly higher in some communities. Discuss the social and cultural factors t

    Order Description
    please read this essay description before start writing because all my marking criteria is listed below.
    Length and/or format: 1600 words

    Australian Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) individuals are known to experience rates of mental illness far above the national average, with suicide rates significantly higher in some communities. Discuss the social and cultural factors that are associated with higher rates of mental illness and suicide, and identify one evidence-based strategy to address this.

    Focus & Introduction
    7 marks
    There is a clear introduction that outlines the topic, and contextualises and profiles the scope, content and the sequence of the essay topic.

    Content, Evidence & Examples
    42 marks
    The content is relevant to the topic. Student has highlighted in detail all the relevant significant factors; explained and analysed the concepts and or issues and their importance. Referred to relevant theory and literature to support their reasoning and examples are presented

    Critical Thinking & Reasoning
    15 marks
    There is evidence of both depth and breadth of reading. An argument is presented and well supported with evidence. Emphasised the importance of consumer/carer perspectives throughout the discussion.

    Closing paragraph
    7 marks
    There is a concluding paragraph which restates the topic, provides a summary of all of the key points, and presents an overall conclusion

    Sequencing & Accuracy
    3 marks
    The content in the essay matches the outline presented in the introductory paragraph. Most paragraphs are organised in a logical manner so that content flows from one paragraph to the next, and there are clear linking sentences that link each paragraph to the next. The essay ends with a rational conclusion.

    Sources & Referencing
    3 marks
    Credible and relevant references are used. Accurate use of APA referencing style on most occasions. Accurate use of in-text citations. Uses between 18 – 20 references.

    Sentence Structure, Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation
    3 marks
    There are no errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation that impact readability, and the meaning is easily discernible

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