Audiovisual Technology

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    Audiovisual Technology

    Using Audiovisual Technologies

    You are the director of instructional technology at a local middle school. Recently, several teachers have come to you for help in incorporating audiovisual technologies into their instruction. You decide to create a tutorial for them. You have two options for completing this assignment.

    1. Option One:

    Develop a five-slide (excluding title and reference slides) non-linear PowerPoint tutorial that identifies at least four audiovisual technologies that can be used, along with examples of how each can be applied to instruction. Explain the benefits and challenges associated with each technology. Your PowerPoint should include separate title and reference slides. You should reference at least two scholarly sources for this assignment. Be sure to submit a Word document title page to the dropbox in addition to your PowerPoint presentation.

    You may find the tutorials at the website Overview of Non-Linear PowerPoint Presentations helpful in completing this assignment. You may find the example of a non-linear PowerPoint presentation helpful if you choose this option.

    2. Option Two:

    Using Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher, create a three-page handout (excluding title and reference pages) that identifies at least four audiovisual technologies that can be used, along with examples of how each can be applied to instruction. Explain the benefits and challenges associated with each technology. Your handout should include separate title and reference pages, formatted according to APA style. You should reference at least two scholarly sources for this assignment.

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