


    Yuxuan Tang

    Jianing Wang

    EC204 Empirical Economics II, Fall 2021


    Journal of Population of Economics stated “For the period 1800–2000, an increase in

    GDP by 1% decreased mortality by 0.7%. This overall relationship is due to a strong

    counter-cyclical relationship in the nineteenth century, which disappeared in the twentieth

    century” (Svensson, M., Krüger, 2010). Based on the WorldBankData2years panel data in the

    year of 2000 and 2014, this research mainly focused on the effects of GDP growth on mortality

    rate, with different variables involved. The results showed a statistically insignificant relationship

    between GDP growth and mortality rate. And 43.39% of the variation of the mortality rate can be

    explained by GDP growth within the country when holding country level and time fixed effect.



    This research aims to discover if GDP per capita affects mortality rate. Past research

    shows that GDP per capita is inversely related to mortality rate during 1901-2000 in the United

    States (M Harvey Brenner, 2005). In this article, Thomas McKeown demonstrated that

    economic development is of fundamental importance to the decline of classic infectious and

    childhood disease. With rapid economic growth in the 20th century, more people tend to have

    vaccinations and are less vulnerable to infectious and childhood disease, which leads to a

    decline in mortality rate. As a result, an inverse relationship between GDP per capita and

    mortality rate worldwide was expected at the beginning.

    After the hypothesis was conducted, we described and utilized a panel data across the

    world in 2000 and 2014, and regressed GDP per capita and mortality rate with some variables

    including improved sanitation facilities of po, co2 emissions metric tons per capita, improved

    water, urban population growth annual spurb, prevalence of hiv total of population,

    immunization measles of children age and others are tested with GDP per capita to find out how

    it affects mortality rate. Then, we compiled our findings and found there is a statistically

    insignificant relationship between the two main variables. Therefore, we use interactive variables

    to test if the effects of GDP growth per capita on mortality rate depends on other variables listed

    above. Then we created a graph that involves a linear regression and scatter plot were used to

    make further comparison of fitness. Also, with the quadratic model being graphed, the turning

    point is at 0.164310932, and after this turning point, the relationship between GDP growth and

    mortality rate becomes positive contrary to our expectations.


    2. Literature Review

    Many researchers had done studies relative to the effects of GDP growth on mortality rate

    for years, and the reasons could be complicated. Mikael Svensson and Niclas A. Kruger used

    wavelet methods to analyze the relationship between mortality rate and economic growth from

    1800 to 2000 in Sweden. (Mikael Svensson and Niclas A. Krüger, 2012) According to the article,

    it was found that in the early period of the 19th century, people were more vulnerable to disease

    and health problems when the economy went downward. As a result, the mortality rate was

    higher when the economy was poor. However, when we entered the 20th century, the augment

    changed. People were more likely to stress out due to reasons including work stress, family

    pressure due to unemployment, which leads to higher death rate. Furthermore, the research found

    out some more specific factors that associate mortality rate with GDP growth, including stroke,

    accident, suicide, cancer, and infection.

    More findings were found by M Harvey Brenner. Using the time series model, with

    variables of “ long-term effects of economic growth over 0–11 years,” “long-term effects of

    unemployment over 0–11 years,” and “interactive effect of unemployment and GDP per capita

    over 0–11 years”, it was found out that for a short period, increased mortality rate was due to

    higher GDP growth, because of better technology with longer working period and speed.

    However, for a longer period, GDP growth leads to the decline of mortality rate.(M Harvey

    Brenner, 2005) More evidence was found by Brenner and Haines to prove this theory. According

    to the article written by Haines in 2003, it was found that the United States experienced a rapid

    economic growth but rising mortality rate between 1830 and 1860 due to deterioration of the

    biological standard of living (Hanis 2003). During this period, the fast urban growth, mass

    migration from abroad, changes in transportation infrastructure, rapid commercialization,


    worsened the mortality environment which caused the mortality rate to rise. For a longer period,

    Varvarigos constructed a model of a growing economy with pollution and testified that economic

    growth and mortality rates are negatively related due to the difference of environment-related

    structural parameters, such as lower p (units of pollution per output generating), which improves

    the environmental conditions and reduces mortality rate (Varvarigos, 2013).

    3. Data Description

    Table 1

    This research used panel data at country level worldwidely in the year of 2000 and 2014

    from world bank data to analyze the relationship between GDP growth and mortality rate. A total

    of 369 observations are collected from world bank data with 6 variables, including sanitation

    facilities of po, co2 emissions metric tons per capita, improved water, urban population growth

    annual spurb, prevalence of hiv total of population, and immunization measles of children age.

    These 6 variables, together the two main variables are tested to find out the relationship between

    GDP growth and mortality rate. The six variables are chosen because we realized that the higher

    GDP a country has, the more conscious people have of their health. And as a result, more people


    are getting vaccinated and actions or policies are taken for the sake of citizens’ health, which

    leads to the decline of mortality rate.

    The data of this research all come from world bank data, and two tables were created by

    different years to describe the mean and standard deviation of the variables. Out of all the

    variables, improved water has the highest mean value of 83.2% and 89.0 % in 2000 and 2014,

    whereas urban population growth annual spurb have the lowest mean values around 2% in both


    Table 2


    4. Model:

    After we collected the data, we constructed a model of mortality rate as a function of GDP

    growth at the country level of time fixed effect.

    Within this fixed effect model, by holding year t and country i at constant level, mortrate

    represents mortality rate, the continuous dependent variable in this equation, in year t and

    country i. The main independent variable of this equation is gdpgrowth, which is continuous in

    country i and year t, and is predicted to have a positive relationship with the main variable

    mortality rate. The model is predicted as a linear regression as shown in the scatterplot graph. As

    we used a time fixed effect model, the 6 other variables with i are absorbed into the ai variable

    which change based on different countries. According to graphs shown below, most countries

    with different mortality rates are scattered between 0% to 20% growth of GDP in both 2000 and


    Also, in this model, the panel data at country level analyzes data from both year of 2000

    and year of 2014 by using the dummy variable d00t and u is the error term. Graph1 represents

    the worldwide GDP growth rate and mortality rate in 2000, and graph 2 displays GDP growth

    rate and mortality rate in both the years of 2000 and 2014. However, by looking at the two

    graphs below, we can see there is no inverse relationship between the GDP growth rate and

    mortality rate, but instead a positive relationship. However, we cannot conclude that there is a

    definitely positive relationship between GDP growth rate and mortality rate, as the dots mostly

    concentrated in the middle of the graph rather than displaying a linear relationship. And there are


    countries including Liberia, Equatorial Guinea , and Timor-Leste which are more than 3 standard

    deviations away from the mean fall into the category of becoming outliers of the group.

    Therefore, we used some interactive variables to test if there is a non linear relationship between

    the two main variables. (shown in table-3)

    Graph1: Scatterplot of Worldwide GDP Growth Rate and Mortality Rate in 2000.


    Graph 2: Two-way Scatterplot of Worldwide GDP Growth and Mortality rate in 2000

    and 2014.



    Table 3: Regression Results

    Looking at table 3, the coefficient of GDP growth rate has a statistically insignificant

    relationship with mortality rate, and we can not conclude that GDP growth rate has a linear

    relationship with mortality rate. Therefore, we added 6 more variables as shown in Table 3 that

    are relative to mortality rate to test their relationships. The results in Model 2 show that the

    coefficient of improved sanitation facility sanitation and CO2 emissions are statistically

    insignificant with mortality rate. And the coefficient of Immunization measles of children's age,

    prevalence of HIV total of population, and improved water are statistically significant at 1%

    level with mortality rate, with P-value equals to 0. Urban population growth annual spurb is

    statistically significant at 5% level on the country level, with P-value equals to 0.047. Therefore,

    we removed these two insignificant variables and ran the regression (Model 3). Since it’s a panel

    data, in order to make sure different countries have the same coefficient effect, we uses country


    level fixed effects, as we can see in Model 4, the coefficient of GDP growth rate still has a

    statistically insignificant relationship with mortality rate, even after we controlling for the effects

    of time (Model 5).

    Furthermore with the data, we decided to add interactive variables of immunization and

    GDP growth rate in Model 6, within in a country and after controlling for the effects of year,

    with variable we testified significance before , the data shows that the coefficient of GDP growth

    rate still has a statistically significant relationship with mortality rate at 1% level because the

    effect of GDP growth on mortality rate depends on the percentage of Kids Immunization (12-13

    months), and 77.5% of the variable of data in mortality rate explained by GDP growth rate

    within country when the effects of time controlled.

    In Model 7, we tested if the relationship of GDP growth rate to mortality rate depends on

    other 3 significance variables. The results showed that the other 3 coefficients of interactive

    variables are statistically insignificant which does not affect the relationship of GDP growth rate

    to mortality rate. The results shown are not as consistent with our hypothesis, as immunization is

    the factor that would affect the relationship between the two main variables.

    6. Conclusions

    Based on our findings on the model, GDP growth does not have a statistically significant

    relationship with the mortality rate. However, when holding countries and time fixed, and we

    added the interactive variable immunization, the results showed a statistically significant

    relationship between GDP growth rate and mortality rate. As a result, we can conclude that GDP

    growth rate and mortality rate depends on a third variable of immunization measles of children's

    age. And our findings do not completely support the hypothesis that there is a linear relationship


    between GDP growth rate and mortality rate. As shown in graph 1 and graph 2, the countries are

    scattered altogether in a group instead of displaying a linear relationship. While the independent

    variable being statistically insignificant, the causes can be complicated due to many other


    7. Limitations and future results

    For further research in the future, we would apply more different variables which could

    contribute to the change of the dependent variable, including import and export on the country

    level. Also, besides testing the interactive variables, maybe we would use the log and square of

    the independent variable after we collected the data. And more research will be done not only on

    a country level, but within a country as well. There are some limitations in this research,

    including not enough variables that are relative to the dependent variable. More variables will be

    applied in the future research.



    ● Svensson, M., Krüger, N.A. Mortality and economic fluctuations. J Popul Econ 25,

    1215–1235 (2012).

    ● M Harvey Brenner, “Commentary: Economic growth is the basis of mortality rate decline

    in the 20th century—experience of the United States 1901–2000”, International Journal

    of Epidemiology, Volume 34, Issue 6, December 2005, Pages 1214–1221. Retrieved


    ● Svensson, Mikael, and Niclas A. Krüger. “Mortality and Economic Fluctuations:

    Evidence from Wavelet Analysis for Sweden 1800—2000.” Journal of Population

    Economics, vol. 25, no. 4, Springer, 2012, pp. 1215–35,

    ● M Harvey Brenner, Commentary: Economic growth is the basis of mortality rate decline

    in the 20th century—experience of the United States 1901–2000, International Journal of

    Epidemiology, Volume 34, Issue 6, December 2005, Pages 1214–1221,


    GROWTH, VOLATILITY AND MORTALITY. Bulletin of Economic Research, 65(4),


    ● Haines, Craig, L. A., & Weiss, T. (2003). The Short and the Dead: Nutrition, Mortality,

    and the “Antebellum Puzzle” in the United States. The Journal of Economic History,

    63(2), 382–413.




    clear all

    set more off

    capture log close


    use "/Users/sarah/Downloads/WorldBankData2years (7).dta"

    sum mortrate gdpgrowth immunizationmeaslesofchildrenage prevalenceofhivtotalofpopulation

    improvedsanitationfacilitiesofpo co2emissionsmetrictonspercapitae

    urbanpopulationgrowthannualspurb improvedwater

    *Graph 2

    bysort year: eststo: estpost sum mortrate gdpgrowth immunizationmeaslesofchildrenage

    prevalenceofhivtotalofpopulation improvedsanitationfacilitiesofpo

    co2emissionsmetrictonspercapitae urbanpopulationgrowthannualspurb improvedwater

    esttab using summary_stats_table.rtf, cells((mean(fmt(%10.2f)) sd(fmt(%10.2f)))) label

    title(Summary Statistics) nonumber nomtitle replace

    label var mortrate "Mortality Rate"

    label var gdpgrowth "GDP Growth"

    label var immunizationmeaslesofchildrenage "% of Kids Immunization (12-13 months)"

    label var prevalenceofhivtotalofpopulation "HIV population"

    label var improvedsanitationfacilitiesofpo "improved sanitation facility"

    label var co2emissionsmetrictonspercapitae "CO2 emissions"

    label var urbanpopulationgrowthannualspurb "Urban Population Growth"


    label var improvedwater "Imporve Water"

    #delimit ;

    esttab using SummaryStats1.doc, main(mean) aux(sd)

    nonotes rtf replace label varwidth(30) modelwidth(9) b(%9.2f) nonumbers

    mtitle("2000" "2014")

    title("Table 1: Summary Statistics by Year")

    addnotes("NOTE: Table reports the mean and standard deviation in 2000 and 2014. 'The

    mean' is above 'standard deviation' for each variable")


    #delimit cr

    *Graphing in 2000 and 2014

    twoway (lfitci mortrate gdpgrowth )(scatter mortrate gdpgrowth), ytitle(Mortality Rate)

    *title(Two-way Scatterplot of GDP Growth Rate and Mortality Rate)

    *graph save "Graph" "/Users/sarah/Desktop/Two-way Scatterplot 2000 and 2014.gph"

    *Graphing in 2000

    twoway (scatter mortrate gdpgrowth if year == 2000, mlabel(countryname)) (lfit mortrate


    *ytitle(Mortality Rate) xtitle(GDP Growth)

    *title(Two-way Scatterplot of GDP Growth and Mortality Rate)

    *graph save "Graph" "/Users/sarah/Desktop/Scatterplot 2000.gph"

    *Graph 3

    *regress X and Y

    reg mortrate gdpgrowth, r


    outreg2 using ResearchRegression.doc, replace label title ("Regression Results") adjr2 addtext

    (Country FE, NO, YEAR FE, NO)

    outreg2 using ResearchRegressionTable.doc, adjr2 addtext (Country FE, NO, YEAR FE, No)

    *regression on full model

    reg mortrate gdpgrowth immunizationmeaslesofchildrenage prevalenceofhivtotalofpopulation

    improvedsanitationfacilitiesofpo co2emissionsmetrictonspercapitae

    urbanpopulationgrowthannualspurb improvedwater,r

    outreg2 using ResearchRegressionTable.doc, adjr2 addtext (Country FE, NO, YEAR FE, No)

    *running an F test on the insignificant variables improvedsanitationfacilitiesofpo


    test gdpgrowth improvedsanitationfacilitiesofpo co2emissionsmetrictonspercapitae

    *The F test shows these variables are jointly insignificance, so we kick these variable out

    *To see if gdpgrowth is jointly significance with other variable, let's pick


    test gdpgrowth immunizationmeaslesofchildrenage

    *regression on full model

    reg mortrate gdpgrowth immunizationmeaslesofchildrenage prevalenceofhivtotalofpopulation

    urbanpopulationgrowthannualspurb improvedwater,r

    outreg2 using ResearchRegressionTable.doc, adjr2 addtext (Country FE, NO, YEAR FE, No)

    *Regression on Fixed Effect

    xtset countrynum year

    xtreg mortrate gdpgrowth, r fe

    outreg2 using ResearchRegressionTable.doc, adjr2 addtext (Country FE, YES, YEAR FE, No)


    xtreg mortrate i.year gdpgrowth, r fe

    outreg2 using ResearchRegressionTable.doc, adjr2 addtext (Country FE, YES, YEAR FE, YES)

    xtreg mortrate i.year c.gdpgrowth##c.immunizationmeaslesofchildrenage

    prevalenceofhivtotalofpopulation urbanpopulationgrowthannualspurb improvedwater,r fe

    outreg2 using ResearchRegressionTable.doc, adjr2 addtext (Country FE, YES, YEAR FE, YES)

    xtreg mortrate i.year immunizationmeaslesofchildrenage

    c.gdpgrowth##c.prevalenceofhivtotalofpopulation urbanpopulationgrowthannualspurb

    improvedwater,r fe

    outreg2 using ResearchRegressionTable.doc, adjr2 addtext (Country FE, YES, YEAR FE, YES)

    xtreg mortrate i.year immunizationmeaslesofchildrenage prevalenceofhivtotalofpopulation

    c.gdpgrowth##c.urbanpopulationgrowthannualspurb improvedwater,r fe

    outreg2 using ResearchRegressionTable.doc, adjr2 addtext (Country FE, YES, YEAR FE, YES)

    xtreg mortrate i.year immunizationmeaslesofchildrenage prevalenceofhivtotalofpopulation

    urbanpopulationgrowthannualspurb c.gdpgrowth##c.improvedwater,r fe

    outreg2 using ResearchRegressionTable.doc, adjr2 addtext (Country FE, YES, YEAR FE, YES)

    log close


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