Assignment Topic: Professional Roles and Communication: Why is healthcare provided by a team of different professionals? How do we achieve this?

    Topic: Assignment Topic: Professional Roles and Communication: Why is healthcare provided by a team of different professionals? How do we achieve this?

    Order Description

    Need to be 100% original writing ( turn it in require 0-1%)
    Aiming: 18 – 19 out of 20 Marks.
    Submission:within 3 days. Due 21st March. deadline 22nd.
    words: 800.
    Reference: APA style

    please check the following requirements:

    To successfully complete this assessment task, you are required to answer the following questions:
    1. Briefly introduce the concept of inter-professional practice and why it is integral for quality health outcomes
    2. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of selected healthcare team members;
    3. Discuss the use of inter-professional communication in health care.

    – Please NOTE operative words: e.g., “Briefly introduce, discuss etc).
    – An awareness of the following areas:

    a. Professional roles in light of inter-professional practice. How
    significant/insignificant is this to health outcomes
    b. Importance of professional communication in inter-professional practice
    c. Roles and responsibilities of selected healthcare team members: There are a lot of team members that make up the healthcare team. In light of this and considering the length of the assignment, it is suggested that you limit this to the disciplines in this unit; maybe plus doctors.

    • Work that is used and not acknowledged is considered plagiarised (COPIED) •You must acknowledge ideas or words that are not your own
    •Choose four references to support your argument
    Your response needs to be supported by relevant published evidence (text-book or peer -reviewed journal articles) that help explain your response to the assessment question. Do not use consumer resources such as printed brochures, hospital consumer leaflets/websites, or consumer websites.
    Include at least four (4) relevant published references (text-book or journal articles) which help explain your response to the Assessment Task One question.

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