Assignment tips for PARA2005

    Assignment tips for PARA2005
    General tips:
    1. Choose one of the 2 scenarios
    2. Based on the primary information in the brief description of scenario, design your
    case, firstly through defining a list of primary signs and symptoms for the case.
    3. In defining the signs/symptoms consider two points:
    a) If the signs/symptoms are related to the situation
    b) Where do you want to go by them? Make sure that you can make a strong link
    between signs/symptoms and your diagnoses.
    4. Define your diagnoses (at least two for each case).
    5. Explain the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms for your diagnoses. In the
    other word, what occurs at the tissue or cellular level that causes those
    signs/symptoms and leads you to your diagnoses?
    6. Describe your pre-hospital management, including Critique of intervention from
    7. Briefly review the other steps of management after delivering the case to hospital.
    8. You are allowed to add pictures or tables, if you wish (with citing the reference). The
    numbers of the words in images, tables and reference list will not be considered as a
    part of 3000 words limitation of your assignment.

    More Tips:
    [These are your notes which will be converted into prose for this assignment]
    Potential diagnosis
    Potential Cardiac arrest from lethal
    arrhythmia due to low potassium K+

    Underlying Diagnosis

    Paramedic clinical practice

    Critique of interventions from

    The heart relies on its internal
    pacemaker (SA node) and
    superconductive pathway to
    generate and disseminate cardiac
    action potentials. These action
    potentials cause the contraction of
    cardiac muscle tissues and the
    effective propulsion of blood
    throughout the body. The sodium
    potassium exchange across the
    cardiac cell membrane is required to
    activate an action potential and
    contraction of the cardiac muscle.
    Abnormal electrolytes, in particular
    potassium cause abnormal
    conduction of the action potential
    may cause delayed conduction or
    increased cardiac irritability leading
    to ineffectual cardiac muscle
    function and thus catastrophic heat
    failure. (Morton & Fontaine 2009)

    Cardiac monitoring

    Attach defibrillation monitor
    & encourage early
    defibrillation should
    defibable arrhythmia occur

    Continuous Monitoring of
    patients cardiac rhythm,

    1/24 vital signs eg BP. P RR
    SaO2 checks

    Regular checks and
    management of electrolyte

    12 lead ECG

    CPR & Medication
    management of arrhythmia


    Critique each of the clinical
    practice intervention, defending is
    validity or not from the current
    literature linking this to the
    underlying pathophysiology of the
    potential diagnosis identified.


    All in prose, sort of like an essay introduction
    Introduce the patient….
    Explain your observation
    List signs/symptoms
    [consider ISBAR format]
    Point what you will talk about later:
    he issues that will be discussed are……….
    They have been chosen because…….

    Differential diagnosis (2-3 problems, minimum 2)

    Make sure that you include the pathophysiology behind the diagnosis (with Reference).
    Differential diagnosis – Potential Cardiac arrest from lethal arrhythmia due to low potassium (K+)
    The heart relies on its internal pacemaker (SA node) and superconductive pathway to generate and
    disseminate cardiac action potentials. These action potentials cause the contraction of cardiac muscle
    tissues and the effective propulsion of blood throughout the body. The sodium potassium exchange across
    the cardiac cell membrane is required to activate an action potential and contraction of the cardiac muscle.
    Abnormal electrolytes, in particular potassium cause abnormal conduction of the action potential may

    cause delayed conduction or increased cardiac irritability leading to ineffectual cardiac muscle function and
    thus catastrophic heat failure. ……… (more detail required)……… (Morton & Fontaine 2009)(Reference)

    Paramedic Intervention and Rationale
    (What interventions (CPGs) are you doing and why are you doing them)
    The interventions that will address the issue of potential arrhythmias are as follows.
    ————————————————————————————————————————-Working example of transferring bullet points into sentences
    1. Continuous monitoring of patients cardiac rhythm, & attach defibrillation monitor & encourage early
    defibrillation should defibable arrhythmia occur
    2. 15/60 vital signs – BP, PR, RR, SaO2
    3. 12 lead ECG
    4. Regular checks and management of electrolyte balances
    5. CPR & Medication management of arrhythmia

    (Intervention 1 in prose format, you will need to be more comprehensive in your assignment)
    Attachment and monitoring of the defibrillator and monitoring of the cardiac patient during
    transport allows for the early defibrillation and reverting of cardiac arrhythmias. Early defibrillation
    has been shown to have increased success at reverting lethal arrhythmias and preventing death in a
    cardiac arrest (Ref1, Ref 2, Ref 3,.……)……… )……………(Morton & Fontaine 2009)

    Future Intervention (briefly)
    Discuss in hospital and/or long term management, briefly.
    The patient will be admitted in CCU…..
    Subarachnoid hemorrhage will be confirmed through MRI….

    Conclusion (sort of like an essay conclusion)
    Avoid repeating the details that you have just explained previously. It should be a brief
    summary of the main points in your essay.
    We’ve discussed ….
    We’ve identified potential diagnoses such as….
    These potential diagnoses should be addressed by the paramedic interventions as described
    above (or briefly summarized, such as frequent movement in the bed).

    Avoid including the information that has not been discussed in your essay

    Reference list
    Harvard Style

    A) Journal Articles:
    The in-text citation in your assignment:
    Argibay-losada et al. (2010) showed that….

    If you quote directly from an author or paraphrase a specific idea or piece of information from
    a source, you need to include the page number of the quote or passage in your in-text citation
    Argibay-losada et al. (2010, p. 263)

    The reference list at the end of your assignment:
    Journal article: Author, Initial(s) Year of publication, ‘Article Title’, Journal Title, volume
    number, issue number, page numbers.
    Argibay-losada, P, Suarez-Gonzalez, A, Lopez-Garcia, C & Fernandez-Veiga, M 2010, ‘Flow
    splitting for end-to-end proportional QoS in OBS networks’, IEEE Transactions on
    Communications, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 257-269.

    B) Books:
    The in-text citation in your assignment:
    The process involves… (Gabler et al. 2012, p. 68).
    The reference list at the end of your assignment:
    Author, Initial(s), Author, Initial(s), Author, Initial(s), & Author, Initial(s) Year of publication,
    Title, edn (edition), Publisher, Place of publication.

    Gabler, M, Lienhard, J, Cremers, J & Knippers, J 2011, Construction manual for polymers +
    membranes: materials semi-finished products, form-finding design, 3rd edn, Birkhauser
    Architecture, Basel.
    Lecture note will not be considered as a reference.

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