The e-generation. Assessable discussion 1
    Marta had been teaching for 30 years in primary schools. She is considered to be a very
    good teacher. Parents respect her and know of her reputation as an experienced, firm,
    and well prepared teacher. Everyone wants to have their children in her class. Marta had
    felt confident and competent in her work for a very long time but recently she had been
    feeling a little unsettled.
    Marta has noticed that the children in her classes over the last few years have been
    becoming more and more restless in class. They seem to have increasingly short
    attention spans, their projects weren’t looking as good as they used to, and often they
    seem plain bored, she thought. Marta is also having a constant battle to keep electronic
    games, MP3 Players and mobile phones out of the classroom. More and more the
    children seem to be talking a foreign language, asking her if they could use the one
    computer in the room for “My Space” or “MSN” “MMOG”, “wikipedia” or “blogging”. There
    was always fierce competition for the computer. Marta had no idea what they were
    talking about and discouraged them from using the internet at home for projects as she
    couldn’t track and check the sources. Two incidents this week have really shaken her.
    In the first, Marta requested a parent teacher interview with Nada’s mother. They had
    had a prolonged phone conversation trying to set a mutually convenient time to meet.
    Finally, Nada’s mum, sounding a little exasperated, said “Well I guess we’ll just have to
    have an email conversation”. Marta had to admit that she didn’t use email.
    The next day in the classroom Marta was talking to Zac. Zac had always struggled a bit
    with his work. He had trouble writing and presenting work neatly, spelling wasn’t his
    thing, and he had trouble getting his ideas on paper. Last week he had asked if he could
    do his project as an “i-movie”. Marta was secretly horrified at the idea, how could he
    meet the outcomes that way for goodness sake? And how could she mark it? How could
    she help and advise him? She felt she had dealt with it well though and Zac seemed to
    accept her answer when she explained that it would need to be on a piece of cardboard
    like everyone else’s to put on display for the parent teacher night. Today though, when
    he got his project back, saw everyone else’s, and saw his rather low mark, he lost his
    temper and shouted “Why can’t we just do this on the computer so that we can do it
    properly? I can do it OK at home. I’m not stupid at home!”


    In the above contribution you are required to:

    – Identify the ethical issue/s in each scenario
    – Critique prior contributions by other students before adding to the discussion (ive showed u examples you need to critique read examples ?)
    – Discuss ethical concepts underlying the issues
    – Apply ethically informed decision making
    – Use appropriate literature to support discussion & decision making

    1. Contributions of a higher quality will show evidence of original thinking, and ideas and thinking that acknowledge and build on previous entries, with response and counter-response to the contributions of other students.
    2. Use of a wide range of references, use of previously uncited references, and new ways to synthesise references will inform higher quality responses.
    3. Contribution to each discussion should be approximately 200 words.
    Please note. Discussions should be accessed in order of opening on vUWS and a contribution made during the specified timeframe. The aim here is to help you see a progressive growth in your own understandings.
    Assessment criteria
    – Makes well informed contribution/s to each of the online discussions.
    – Identifies the issue/s
    – Analyses the ethical concepts embedded in the issues.
    – Applies ethical decision making taking account of different perspectives
    – Supports positions/analysis through the use of literature
    Contribution to discussions is insightful, considering a range of possible positions and gradually incorporating

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