Assignment Details: You have been recently appointed to a new position as the Co

    Assignment Details:
    You have been recently appointed to a new position as the Communications/Human Resources Manager for the head office of Sportstech Clothing Company. You are concerned however about communication in the stores. Six store managers report directly to the Group General Manager and 100 full-time and 200 part-time sales associates (staff) report to them.
    Given this structure you and the Group General Manager are worried about staying informed about all store operations not just those coming to your attention as Communications/Human Resources manager.What steps might you take to establish and maintain an effective system of upward communication in the organisation?
    You may create other information and details provided they are consistent with the organisational outline given above.
    Your recommendations must be based on sound arguments identified through a review of at least ten references relating to communication theory from academic journal articles or edited publications and texts. Information from internet sites and trade magazines should not be used and if so will be penalised accordingly. Your report should follow the recommended format and should also include appropriate sections headings and numbering.

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