Assignment 4: Playing with GamesThroughout this course you will work individuall

    Assignment 4: Playing with GamesThroughout this course you will work
    individually and from the perspective of a computer scientist to
    recreate different games you will pick weekly.This
    week you should select a gamefor whichthe win condition is solvable
    by a truth table. This means that there are a finite number of ways to
    win and the conditions for victory are either true or false. Using the
    criteria outlined below identify the game and outline its rules and
    starting condition. Create the truth table for the victory condition
    using the material covered this week and your own research.Games of all kinds are the result of a process that involves
    creativity logic and simple common sense. When it comes to games we
    often do not pay much attention to the steps involved in or the time
    spent in their creation. This assignment will lead you through the
    thought process of recreating games with which you are familiar each
    week.Each week you will explore a new game
    through the lens set up by the weekly material. For example when
    working with Turing machines you may wish to represent the concept
    through a game of Hangman.For each week you will submit:Your submission will be evaluated on the following criteria:Week 1Create your report in a Microsoft Word document and save it as W1_A4_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.Submit the report to the W1: Assignment 4 Dropbox by Monday January 14 2013.Cite any sources you use in the APA format on a separate page.

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