Assignment #4: NUMMI

    Assignment #4: NUMMI
    2017/11/6 测验: Assignment #4: NUMMI 1/8

    Assignment #4: NUMMI 已开始: 11月 6 19:33

    测验说明 NOTE: There has been problems with the podcast on Google Chrome ("error loading player" message).  If you get this message try another browser (Safari, Firefox, and IE all seem to work) or try your phone. 

    This assignment is an INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT.  As such the student may NOT collaborate with any other person during on this assignment. 

    WHAT:  Listen to the podcast and answer the questions.  I would recommend printing the questions out and having them while you listen to the show.

    Podcast:­archives/episode/403 (­archives/episode/403)   (­ archives/episode/403/)

    WHY: NUMMI offers a great case study in operational excellence and the impact Total Quality Management (TQM) had on manufacturing.

    Postscript on NUMMI.  Tesla bought the NUMMI plant in 2010 from Toyota for $42 million…. and promptly brought in the robots.  Here's a look ­ (  

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    问题 1

    The program uses two nautical cliches "Turning around a battleship" and "Steering the Titanic with a canoe paddle" to illustrate how hard it was to do what? 

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    2017/11/6 测验: Assignment #4: NUMMI 2/8

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    问题 2

    Union leader Bruce Lee believed the GM Fremont plant was bad not because of the people but because of what?

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      1 分问题 3

    2017/11/6 测验: Assignment #4: NUMMI 3/8

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    The program notes that there was "one odd twist to the story" regarding GM and Toyota. Which was that while GM was becoming more like Toyota, Toyota was becoming fro like GM by stressing what?

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    问题 4

    Prior to the NUMMI partnership, how was the GM Fremont plant's workforce characterized relative to the rest of the workforce in the U.S. auto industry.

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    2017/11/6 测验: Assignment #4: NUMMI 4/8

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    问题 5

    Ernie Schafer from GM Van Nuys says the one thing you don't see when you walk into the NUMMI plant is what?

    When you walk into the NUMMI plant,you do not see the line stop.

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      1 分问题 6


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    On the Toyota line any worker could stop the line by simply doing what?

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    问题 7

    A) What problem did the partnership help GM with?  B) The program notes the partnership would help Toyota learn how to build cars in the U.S.  Why did Toyota need to build cars in the U.S?

    A) GM's poor quality for small cars, Toyota will help GM design a small car,  profit from it and make a profit.

    B) As the United States Congress threatened to limit car imports. Toyota can  avoid making cars in the United States, but they want a partner.

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    问题 8

    Union leader Bruce Lee notes that even when GM started producing quality cars people didn't buy them because they didn't trust GM. Why didn't they trust GM?

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    问题 9

    How long has GM been losing market share?

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    2017/11/6 测验: Assignment #4: NUMMI 7/8

    在 21:51 保存测验  

    GM lost 50 years of market share.

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    问题 10

    James Womack ­ coauthor of The Machine that Changed the World ­ notes one of the ironies of GM is in the moment it went bankrupt it was what?

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