
    I would like the paper to be related to child oncology treatments

    Assignment Objectives: This research paper is the final paper in the course and should demonstrate mastery of the course objectives outlined in the course syllabus.


    1. (30% of final grade) Research and report on an issue, innovation, or ethical question in your chosen major or a field of interest in a 5-7-page researched essay with a minimum of 4 sources (3 secondary sources, 1 primary source).
    • Write in academic, third person, objective voice
    • Format according to MLA or APA conventions, depending on the focal discipline of your paper.
    • Paper should be primarily evaluative, approaching the issue/innovation/ethical question from several angles.

    2. (5% of final class grade) Additionally, write a 1-2 page reflection on the process you took to complete this assignment.

    I also need an outline due by November 8th
    And a first draft that is due by November 15th

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