
    Please answer any two (2) questions, each answer a minimum (750) words .You should
    draw on the texts for evidence and source to bolster your argument please use the
    following key points as your guide in writing your paper. You should be able to identify the
    1. What is the key argument being made?
    2. What are the key points being made?
    3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments raised?
    4. What are the implications of what you have read?
    5. What links can be made with other readings, themes and concepts from the course
    for the question
    A. As the readings and lectures suggest, there was a differing of ideas, strategies and
    implementations between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Dubios as it concerns
    Pan-Africanism and African American Suffrage. Discuss the points of convergence
    and divergence, weaknesses and strengths in their approach or Africans in America
    and abroad.
    B. Aime Cesair in Discourse on Colonialism calls western enlightenment to account for
    its uncivilized practices and its inability to deal with the concrete, existentio-
    political concerns of people. Using the Assigned text of Discourse on Colonialism
    how does Cesair challenge the western world? I would like you to discuss how he
    uses Surrealism and Marxism in his analysis to provide a solution to colonialism.
    C. The African Diaspora tends to entice variant approaches towards understanding the
    parameters. Time and location play a significant part in conceptualizing the African
    Diaspora. Based on the Lectures and the Tiffany Ruby Patterson and Robin D.G.
    Kelley reading what the parameters, challenges, are the African diaspora faces in
    political identity (national, regional, and global).

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