Assignment 3 Reflective Writing Aims To Get You To Think


    Assignment 3 Requirement
    Assignment 3 Reflective writing aims to get you to think
    about your learning and understand your learning experiences.
    When students write Assignment 3 need to follow steps:
    1. Evaluate the effectiveness and your usefulness of the learning experience
    Make judgments that are clearly connected to observations you have made. Answer the questions:

    – What is your opinion about learning experience?
    – What is the value of this experience?
    2. Explain how this learning process will be useful to you
    Consider: In what ways could this learning experience serve you in:
    – course
    – program
    – future career
    – life generally
    Answer the question: 'How will you transfer or apply your new knowledge and
    insights in the future? '
    3. Describe objectively what happened in the learning process
    Give the details of what happened in the learning process. Answer the question:
    'What did you read, see, and hear?'
    4. Evaluate what you learn
    Make judgments connected to observations you have made in the Business
    Research. Answer the question: 'How Business Research was useful for your
    Research Learning Process?'
    5. Explain your learning process:
    New insights, connections with other learning, your feelings, hypotheses,
    conclusions. Answer the questions:
    ? 'What was the reason you did particular activities (Assignment 1, Assignment 2
    6. Explain Plan how this learning will you applied Comment on its relevance to your research subject, your course, future profession, life … Answer the question : 'How could this learning apply in your future?'applied

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