Assignment 3: ProbabilityDue Week 10 and worth 15 pointsYou and your opponent ha

    Assignment 3: ProbabilityDue Week 10 and worth 15 pointsYou and your opponent have both already bet $24000 into the pot each. Your opponent now adds $10000 to the pot. You only have $10000 left in total.While you consider what to do your opponent in an effort to rattle you reveals his down cards. They are 10 10.The Problem Should you call his bet by tossing the rest of your money into the pot or should you fold and give up the pot to your opponent? Remember your opponent has at least a pair of 10s. What cards could come up to make your hand better? What could come up to make your opponent s hand better? Is there any way you could tie each other? Also look at the expected value of the game. If you fold you are assured a loss of $24000. Make sure this fact is used in your analysis.Write a 1-2 page paper in which you:Your assignment must:The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

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