Assignment 3 part 1 and 2

    Technology Plan(1 2 pages)
    Management & Organization(1 2 pages)
    The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
    Assignment 3 Part 2: Business Plan Draft
    Due Week 8 and worth 30 points
    This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a draft of your business plan and an income statement containing your business plan financials (i.e. Week 7 Discussion The Financials).Note:You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment.
    You must intend to raise money for your startup company. You can start with money from friends and family but at some point you will need funds from outside investors either angels or venture capitalists depending on how much money you project you will need to raise. Another possible angle is to develop money through crowdfunding assuming your product meets the demand of such audiences.
    Before you can raise money you must develop a business plan that convinces an investor that your company will succeed.
    Section 1: Business Plan (MS Word or equivalent)
    Read Chapters 18 and 19 of the course text:Successful Business Plan. Use the Plan Preparation Forms at the end of each chapter ofSuccessful Business Planas a rough guide.
    Write an approximately fifteen to twenty (15-20) page draft of your business plan in which you:
    Note:The Ethics & Social Responsibility plan should account for approximately three to five (3-5) pages of the Business Plan Draft.
    Section 2: Business Plan Financials (MS Excel worksheets template)
    The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

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