Assignment 2: LASA 1 2

    The Strategic Components of State Healthcare Management Company
    The State Healthcare Management Company (a fictitious company) has been established to provide coordinated healthcare to state workers. You are a new manager in this company. Your supervisor has asked you to review your companys mission vision goals and strategies. She/he posed the following questions and has asked you to provide a report (5 8 pages) answering each question. Your report should follow APA guidelines and include at least four outside resources.
    Given:The mission of the State Healthcare Management Company is to improve access to cost-effective quality health care services for state workers.
    Our vision for the next three years includes:
    Our values are:
    Our strategic goals for this year are:
    Your supervisor also asked you to use the internet and/or the Argosy online library to research a recent (within the last year) article that describes the current difficulties faced by healthcare companies regarding new or impending government regulations.

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