Assignment 2

    Written assignments # 2 and 3: The biggest part of any policy development is understanding the problem in society that needs to be addressed. Therefore, two of these papers first focus on conducting a problem analysis and then follow up with a review of the policy that was developed to address the problem. Students must choose problems and related policies that were not the focus in assignment/paper # 1, and likewise, assignment/paper # 3 must not replicate the policies/problems addressed in paper # 2.

    Problem and Policy Review
    Public policies set the framework for governance throughout the world. Understanding the impact and consequences of these policies is an important part of understanding public administration. As we read and discuss in Pal’s book, “policy analysis is a process of multidisciplinary inquiry designed to create, critically assess, and communicate information that is useful in understanding and improving policies” (Dunn, 2008, P. 1 as quoted in Pal, 2013, p. 15). The purpose of the PA 680 policy reviews is to analyze a federal, state, or local policy that is currently in action.

    The analysis of your problem and policy should include, but is not limited to, the following questions. Use them as guidelines to the content of your paper.

    1. Introduction to the policy and the problem it is trying to solve. Additionally, you need to discuss the methodology you will use to develop this analysis in this section.
    2. Analysis of the problem. This includes:
    • What is the problem in society that is being addressed by this policy?
    • This problem must be relevant to life in the Inland Empire or the southern California region we live in.
    • What are the costs of the problem or policy, (financial, societal, or both)?
    • What is the origin or source to this problem?
    • Is it a problem that can be solved? Without limits or under reasonable/likely conditions?
    • Should it be solved by government or is it better solved through the private or non-profit sectors?
    • Make sure you provide data and indicators to make your case.
    3. Detailed description of the policy. This includes:
    • What are the policy goals?
    • Which level of government developed the policy? Which level is implementing the solution? Are these two different? If so, why?
    • Major stakeholders involved. What was the initial intent of the policy? Who is expected to benefit from the policy?
    • Is there another group that is actually impacted (positively or negatively?) by the policy? Who (person, agency, organization?) worked to get the policy put into place and why? Who developed the policy?
    • Are there any international actors or influences in the development of this policy?
    • Are there any possible international impacts from this policy?
    4. Discussion of the policy implementation.
    • What are the instruments being used?
    • Who is implementing the policy?
    • What is the role of bureaucracy?
    • What are the costs to implement this program? How many people are served?
    5. Results of the policy
    • How effective has the policy been?
    • What are the limitations to the policy? Are the limitations greater than the successes or vice versa?
    • What would be better direction for the policy? What corrections would you suggest be made to make the policy more effective?
    6. Conclusions

    Assignment # 2: Due in the “turn-it-in” dropbox by 11:59 AM, May 18 and as an original post attachment in the applicable online discussion board.

    Required Texts and Reading Material:
    These books are on reserve at CSUSB’s library.

    Heineman, R.A., Bluhm, W.T., Peterson, S.A., & Kearny, E.N. (2001). The World of the Policy Analyst. 3rd ed. New York: Chatham House Publishers, Seven Bridges Press, LLC.

    Pal, L.A. (2013). Beyond Policy Analysis: Public Issue Management in Turbulent Times. 5th ed. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Nelson.

    The following article in PDF is attached in the course content section of Blackboard:

    Rittel, W.J. & Webber, M.M. (1973). Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning. Policy Sciences, 4 155-169.

    The development and administration of public policies at the federal, state, and local levels are the basis of government decisionmaking. Public policy is defined as “a policy made on behalf of a public by means of a public law or regulation that is put into effect by public administration” (Shafritz, 2004). This course will explore the act of making policy in the United States at all of the different levels of government (federal, state, and local) and for domestic and foreign issues. As part of this process, current and past policies will be analyzed and issues such as public corruption and ethics will be explored.

    Course Purpose and Scope
    Description from student catalog: “An integrative course examining the analytical, behavioral and sys¬tems sciences approaches to public administrative systems with emphasis upon the development of evaluative skills in applied deci¬sion-making.”

    This course serves as a graduate-level introduction to the public policy process, with a focus on the context of the United States. Throughout the course, students will examine theories, concepts, and models of public policy making, giving attention to both official and unofficial actors in the policy process. Students will consider how citizens’ and other actors’ voices are heard, not heard, and/or actively silenced in the context of American policies related to morality, social equity, immigration, energy and the environment, drugs, social and corporate welfare, and terrorism. Students will end the course by examining specific examples of policy implementation and policy failure.


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