assignment 1Now that you know about GDP and how to calculate GDP use one of the

    assignment 1Now that you know about GDP and how to calculate GDP use one of the web sites listed in Module 01 including and and do some research. In a 1-2 page paper do the following:assignment 2assignment 3Now that you know about GDP and how to calculate GDP use one of the web sites listed in Module 01 including and and do some research. In a 1-2 page paper do the following:assignemt 4if you read below it says use my project as a fondation so below is the the two assignments that i have posted for my project so farNo matter what type of project you have decided to pursue you will certainly encounter the issue of business ethics. Using your project as a foundation prepare a 1-2 page essay that explains how good business ethics can enhance your profitability. Be sure to support your ideas with specific examples.the below attachments are for assginment 4

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