Assignment 1 For the following scientists Robert Boyle

    Assignment 1
    For the following scientists
    Robert Boyle
    Anton van Leewenhoek
    Leopold Auenbrugger
    Edward Jenner
    Gabriel Andral
    Rudolf Virchow
    Gregor Mendel
    Louis Pasteur
    Paul Ehrlich
    Robert Koch
    Karl Landsteiner
    Rosalind Franklin
    Thomas Morgan
    Kary Mullis
    Alec Jefferys
    For this writing assignment you are to choose two individuals from our timeline. The individuals should be separated by time. Here is the scenario: you are the more contemporary (current) of the two medical pioneers and you are writing your memoirs. You are to write on how your predecessor influenced your field of study or the direction of your research.
    Speculate on how future generations will benefit from these contributions. Please include at least two specific events which occurred and correlate them.
    When completing this assignment you should include at MINIMUM the following:
    The name of the historical individual you are portraying and the date you are writing your memoir
    The type of research you are engaged in
    The individual(s) that you would like to acknowledge
    How your predecessor influenced you
    How future generations will benefit
    Give your memoir an appropriate title
    Minimum of 500 words & 4 paragraphs (Max. 800 words & 7 paragraphs) not including your list of citations and free of spelling and grammatical errors.

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