
    I need to write a journal about a visit as a volunteer to adult day care. My teacher asking to respond what i would change in that adult day care to making better.
    . Well, there many thing I would to change example:
    -The separate the people in different group, making them uncomfortable because for example i set in a table with 2 person one of them speaking spanish and the other one speaking English. So imagine that no communication between those elderly people. I asked to the facilities why? the respond me the separated between function, low and high. Its ok that, but put people that speak same language, so that way they don’t get bored.
    Other thing is the food. they leaving at 5:30 and they don’t get any more food after 2. So imagine if the family going to pick up at 5:30 and then get home 6 pm and then start cooking. let suppose that dinner time for that old person will be at 8. making math how many hours without eating. They should give them some snack or dinner before leaving. Another thing making more activities to entertainment them. so that way they don’t get bored.
    ps: please with those thing write a journal, with the question what i will change in that adult care to making better.

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