
    This written assignment requirement is a minimum of 5 double-spaced pages of text, submitted in APA format, using 12 point font. In addition, your paper should include a cover page, abstract and reference page. A minimum of 2 scholarly sources must be used. Provide the following information and post your assignment as a .doc file attachment to the link provided for Assignment 1.2.

    A key aspect of the materials and instruction for the first week is to help you establish a firm grasp of essential concepts and theories in security management and national security. As an official submission of the course ALL aspects of the grading rubric outlined in the syllabus apply to this assignment. In addition to those are the following basic requirements:

    You MUST choose and critically define/analyze* three (3) of the following concepts:

    1)      scientific management

    2)      organizational hierarchy

    3)      core competencies of security operations

    4)      prioritization

    5)      management vs. leadership


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