
    Applying the Geographies of Development concepts and patterns (PowerPoint lecture and textbook p. 30-32) to the textbook’s “Area and Demographic Data for the World’s States” (DT Table in the back of your text), compare and contrast the developmental characteristics of Papua New Guinea to New Zealand. In paper, identify which is the Core country, which is the Periphery country, and WHY. Use the Developmental Differences of Core/Periphery places PowerPoint slide information and the statistical data from 3 or more developmental indices in your textbook DT Table (Natural Increase %, Infant or Child Mortality per 1000, Life Expectancy for males and females in years, % Urban Population, Literacy % for males and females, and Per Capita GNI) on both Papua New Guinea and New Zealand to clarify which is the Core and which is the Periphery. The page prior to the table (DT-6) describes what the data in the DT Table means. You need to give the statistics and then analyze each one to get credit. Territorial sizes, population totals, birth and death rates are not acceptable developmental indices, so don't use them to identify and argue for Core or Peripheral status. If you need more information to support your assertions (such as how literacy is related to a country’s educational systems), incorporate Geographies of Development concepts about Core and Periphery from your textbook pages 30-32, and/or textbook information specifically about Papua New Guinea (in the Pacific Realm Chapter 12) and New Zealand (in the Austral Realm Chapter 11). In addition to the textbook DT Table data (which you are required to use to identify Core and Periphery), and text/lecture concepts that you apply, you are welcome but are not required to add outside supportive source information to your paper too. Make sure that you parenthetically cite throughout your paper’s body and reference at the end of your paper all source information, even your textbook (deBlij et al, DT-6).

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