
    In this assignment, you will write your final draft of your case study. In the outline, you decided upon a case,
    and began thinking about how to explain how the crime was committed and how to explain the crime
    theoretically. In the rough draft, you wrote out your ideas in paragraph form, using course materials along
    with research from academic journals.
    In this final draft, I will be focusing on your ability to apply course concepts to your specific case and your
    ability to incorporate research from academic journals.
    Requirements for Final Draft
    1. This final draft should be between 8 to 10 pages.
    2. Your final draft needs to be in labeled sections: “Introducing the Case”, “Discussing Cybercrime”,
    and “Theoretical Explanation.
    3. You will need at least three citations and references from approved journals for this final draft. You
    can (should) have more than three, but at least three must come from approved journals
    4. Use ASA reference format (see examples below).
    5. You will be given points for each section. “Introducing the Case” = 20 pts., “Discussing Cybercrime”
    = 50 pts, and “Theoretical Explanation” = 30 pts. Note: There is a rubric on the syllabus, but I will not
    be using that one for this paper.
    This assignment must be submitted to blackboard as a word document by 4/28 @ 11:59 PM.

    How to do well on this final draft:
    Remember – writing clearly, avoiding typographical errors, and formatting properly are important·
    (although not the most important) parts of your assignment. Pay attention to the details. Double check
    your reference format (see below). Double check whether or not you have used 3 articles from the list
    I generally grade in terms of “excellent”, “good”, “fair”, etc. Also, I grade by sections. One approach·
    you can take is to look at each section before submitting. Ask yourself if you have used outside
    sources and course material skillfully, referenced properly, and avoided common grammatical
    I will use SafeAssign for this final draft, so make sure you do not plagiarize.·
    Do not take a “game show” approach to your paper. There is no need to guess about what articles can·
    be used, whether or not a certain theory is plausible, whether have met requirements, etc. Start a bit
    early, and when stumbling blocks arise, simply stop by my office or e-mail. I usually respond to emails
    within 24 hours. I will not tell you what to write, but I can lead you in the right direction.


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