Assignment 1: Required Assignment 2Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

    Assignment 1: Required Assignment 2Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
    In this assignment you will apply the concepts of CVP analysis learned in yourModule 4. You will use CVP analysis to analyze a project of your choice to enable a prospective investor to decide if your project is worth investing in.
    Assignment Overview:
    Select a project whether from work an avocation an entrepreneurial idea of your own or your childs lemonade stand on the corner. Identify the various costs required to execute the project and consider the revenue the project will generate. In a Power Point format create a basic pro forma statement necessary to convince someone to provide the start-up costs of the project.
    Assignment Tasks:
    To create a pro forma statement:
    Submission Details:
    Support your predictions and suggestions with scholarly resources and empirical evidence. Use APA format to cite your sources. Your presentation should include sections addressing the topics listed.
    Develop a 1012 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. Include the required information concisely highlighting only the key points necessary for the purpose of this presentation which is to convince a prospective investor to decide if your project is worth investing in. Support your predictions and suggestions with scholarly resources and empirical evidence. Use APA format to cite your sources. Your presentation should include sections addressing the topics listed and presented in bulleted format avoiding long paragraphs of content. Include the CVP completed template sheet with the PPT.
    ByMonday September 14 2015 submit the final presentation to theM5: Assignment 1 Dropbox.
    Grading Criteria
    Max Points
    Academic Writing
    Write in a clear concise and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and display accurate spelling grammar and punctuation.

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