Assessment 2: Individual report

    Assessment 2: Individual report

    Task description:

    You are required to write an analytic report. This type of report is used to critically analyse information and is used for any problem solving reports. The general outline of a problem solving report, problem-method-solution, should be used for the analytical report. Generally speaking, the analytical report will also have recommendations about the outcome of the analysis. Usually, these will be recommendations to implement the solution to the problem.


    You should identify a workplace problem that you are currently experiencing or have experienced in the past. If you have never worked so far, you can search for a case in academic journals, newspaper or textbooks. The focus of the problem should be the topic of groups in organisations or perception. You should describe the problem and its context.


    You should identify any relevant theories, models or concepts in the textbook or other journal papers that are relevant to the problem .The discussion of the theories, models or concepts and how they can be applied to address the workplace problem must be supported by additional published journal articles, by linking them to your analysis.


    The important conclusions justifiably reached as a result of the analysis of the problem should be stated in this section. On the basis of your exploration of the problem and the application of theories, models and concepts, what generalisation can be drawn in relation to the topic? Recommendations following from your work should be mentioned in this section.

    Weight: 70%

    Length: 2500 words (+/- 10%) excluding references


    Suggested Report Format

    1. Abstract:
    2. Introduction:
    3. Setting the context : a brief introduction of your case organize (sector, size, location, its motivation system or groups….)
    4. Identifying the main workplace problem:
    5. Outlining the structure of the report
    6. Problem
    7. What is the problem?
    8. What are the causes of the problem?
    9. The implication of the problem for the organization and workers
    10. Analysis (the most important part of your report)
    11. Explaining and elaborating the theories and concepts which are relevant to the workplace problem
    12. Using those theories and concepts to analyse the problem (why is it a problem? Any negative implications? Any remedies?)

    5 Conclusion and recommendations

    List of References: formatted in accordance with guidelines on Roehampton Harvard style which are available at:

    Special notes:

    Case selection:

    • You can select any organization (commercial/non-commercial; big/small…) in any sector (manufacturing, restaurant, hotel, bank, high-tech and creative industries …) in any location.
    • There should be problems with the motivation system or groups in your case organisation. If the organisation has the ideal and perfect motivation system or groups, this organisation is not an appropriate case. The report requires you to identify the workplace problem.



    • You need to clearly explain what the problem is,what the causes of the problem are what the implication is. If you identify a potential problem which still hasn’t had any consequence, you could discuss the possible implications of the problem for the organisation and workers.
    • If you choose the topic of groups, the workplace problem should be related to groups. If you choose the topic of perception, the workplace problem should be linked to perceptions.



    • You need to select relevant theories and concepts for your topic. For the topic of groups, you should use group theories. For the topic of perception, you should use perception theories.
    • We will cover main theories in the lecture. Please check your lecture slides if you are not sure what motivation theories and group theories are. Apart from the theories covered in the lecture, you can also use relevant theories and models from other academic sources.
    • You are not expected to cover all group or perception theories in the report. The marking criteria are not based on the number of the theories you use in the report. There are two important marking criteria. First, you should use the most relevant theories and concepts. Second, it is important for you to use relevant theories to analyse the workplace problem (Why is it a problem? Any implication? Any remedies?…)



    1) Included a bibliography at the end.

    2) Only list works that you have cited in the report.

    3) Alphabetical order

    4) Be consistent

    5) You expected to use other academic sources apart from the core textbook.



    1) Contains additional information related to the report but is not essential to read.

    2) Your report should not rely on the appendices to be read for your report to make sense.



    1) Easy to read

    2) Paragraphs should be short and concise

    3) Headings should be clear – highlighted in bold or underlined.

    4) Tables of information should be labeled separately, e.g. Table 1 etc.


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