Assessing New Employee Orientation Programs

    Homework # 1: Assessing New Employee Orientation Programs

    Chapter 2 of your textbook discusses the importance of the new employee orientation to the employee and to the organization. According to Acevedo and Yancey, "These types of programs are perhaps the most influential piece of an employee’s development" (2011, p. 349). Please read the entire article by Acevedo and Yancey (2011), attached below. Feel free to do additional research about new employee orientations in the Baker Online Library or using other credible sources of information.

    Sem 4 – HA 1 Article (Assessing Orientation Programs).pdf

    For this assignment, respond to the following questions:

    •Discuss the importance of a new employee orientation (NEO) to an employee’s person-job fit and an employee’s person-organization fit.

    •Use this information to compare the new employee orientation process in western organizations (like the United States) and Japanese organizations.

    •In your opinion, which orientation process seems to be more effective, and why?

    •Which orientation process is more advantageous for the organization, and why?

    Acevedo, J. M., & Yancey, G. B. (2011). Assessing new employee orientation programs. Journal of Workplace Learning, 23(5), 349-354. doi:

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