Assess the reliability of Josephus’ account of the fall of Masada

    Assess the reliability of Josephus’ account of the fall of Masada
    Order Description
    Question: Assess the reliability of Josephus’ account of the fall of Masada.

    Due: 11/1/2016

    Referencing: Harvard with footnotes and reference list

    Josephus, Jewish War, 7.320-406.

    Cohen, Shaye D.J., ‘Masada: Literary Tradition, Archaeological Remains, and the Credibility of Josephus’, Journal of Jewish Studies 33 (1982) 385-405.

    Ladouceur, David J., ‘Josephus and Masada’, in Josephus, Judaism and Christianity (eds, L. Feldman, G. Hata; Leiden: Brill, 1987) 95-113.

    Netzer, Ehud. ‘The Rebels’ Archive at Masada’, Israel Exploration Journal 54 (2004) 218-229.

    Paine, R., ‘Masada: A History of a Memory’, History and Anthropology 6 (1994) 371-409

    Shargel, Baila R., ‘The Evolution of the Masada Myth’, Judaism 28 (1979) 357-371.

    Feldman, Louis H., Reinhold, Meyer, Jewish Life and Thought among Greeks and Romans: Primary Readings (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996) 265-290, esp. 282-285.

    Feldman, Louis H., ‘Masada: A Critique of Recent Scholarship’, in Christianity, Judaism and other Greco-Roman Cults: Studies for Morton Smith at Sixty, Part 3: Judaism before 70 (ed., J. Neusner; Leiden: Brill, 1975) 218-248.

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