Assess the ability of a culture within the Horn of Africa region to influence the local, regional, and global economic disparity and it’s direct effect on U.S. interest

    Assess the ability of a culture within the Horn of Africa region to influence the local, regional, and global economic disparity and it’s direct effect on U.S. interest-to include the 2nd and 3rd order effects

    My personal take on this: I chose economic disparity as it has a large abundance of 2nd and 3rd order effects that have a direct impact on U.S. interest i.e. the epidemic like rise of radical islam, the growing illicit trade market (drugs, weapons, humans, boot-leg market items) etc. Those are the first things that come to my mind but please expand from there with your take! :)

    8-10 pages-Double spaced
    Primarily active voice


    6-8 Sources
    Does NOT need an abstract but NEEDS an appendix-ref below for instructions

    Intro: Must has a clear and specific thesis relevant to the main points.

    Development of Content: Major points fully supported by thesis. Addresses implications or consequences of the thesis. Sequencing of major/minor points effectively supports writer’s purpose. Clear reasoning depicting how the evidence supports main points/thesis. Identified and answered anticipated thoughts, concepts, biases, and prejudices. Transition between points connected to major/minor points.

    Conclusion: Clear, concise, reinforced the thesis & major points, and justified by the evidence and reasoning

    *APPENDIX: Provide a detailed explanation of the Structural Analytic Techniques employed; and how the techniques were selected; and how the techniques employed provided accuracy to your thesis


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