ASDA, Sainsburys and M&S

    ASDA, Sainsburys and M&S

    A comparison of the overall Strategy and especially the Operations Strategy and the key Operational Performance Objectives in the following companies: ASDA, Sainsburys and M&S
    Real Case study
    A comparison of the overall Strategy and especially the Operations Strategy and the key
    Operational Performance Objectives in the following companies:
    ASDA, Sainsburys and M&S
    You primary source of information/evidence will be the Internet
    A Business report has to start with a good executive summary, then main body in ‘lay terms’ with lots of graphs(3-5 graphs), the text should flow and all technical reports should be kept in the appendix; It should be well printed, formatted and with a nice cover and binding. The main body should be about 3000 words (the main body) while the executive summary should be no more than one page and preferable about 10 lines. 30% of the assignment mark will be based on the overall format and 70% for the actual content.
    Use whatever source you want it doesn’t need to be academic references. Use the websites of three companies. I am writing as an independent advisor. So what make each of them succeed?
    Best of Luck

    Assignment is about:
    – Overall strategy
    – Operations strategy
    – Which are the 5 key important objectives (Quality, Speed, Dependability, Flexibility and Cost) company is trying to improve.
    – Four-stage diagram
    Compare all three supermarkets in terms of food and beverages, as:
    ASDA –claim to be cheap in terms of cost (we safe you money everyday)
    SAINSBURYS – claim to have wide variety (try something new today)
    M&S — claim that they have better quality (simply food)
    Comparing : range of products, operation strategy.
    Get evidence for everything they do
    If one of them is focusing on something more than others, highlight it.
    Assignment should contain the following with a proper explanation:
    1- 4Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility) diagram comparing all supermarkets at the same time.
    2- 4 Stages model of operations contribution comparing all supermarkets at the same time. Estate at which stage each company is.
    3- Polar diagram comparing all supermarkets at the same time using the same actual colours of the three supermarkets.
    4- Basic information from the web
    5- Or better get primary information (interviews with people worked their). As this will give better marks.
    So were they successful in term of managing their supply chain? Who is the most successful? And what advices should be given to companies to avoid the mistakes or difficulties in managing their operations?

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