As a Man Thinketh

    As a Man Thinketh

    Paper 4, the Research Paper, requires at least 4 sources: “As a Man Thinketh” and three other outside sources. This paper is worth 120 points. 100 points for content and 20 for Works Cited and in-text citations.

    Here you will explore the effect thought has on life as a great determiner for success and happiness. You will take a specific look at how thought needs to be addressed in your life, the changes you need to make and considerations that must be addressed to achieve your goals.

    Be sure to utilize at least two or three of the key topics in the reading: effect of thought on character, purpose, achievement, circumstances, serenity, health and body, vision and ideals. You may, if you wish, use Thick Face Black Heart, and Why We Do What We Do to support your research paper.

    How specifically will you change your thoughts regarding the above in achieving your goals in life? How specifically will you go about it all? Remember that all the components of an essay must be in place and used properly or you lose points: title, introduction, thesis, body paragraphs or developmental section, conclusion.

    MLA Formatting and Works Cited Page

    For all papers that require sources (papers 2, 3, and 4), use in-text citations for each source and a Works Cited page according to MLA style. One internet maximum for all papers.

    If you do not follow the directions for Paper #2 and Paper #3, you will lose points accordingly: If you are missing the works cited page, half a grade. If the in-text citations are missing, half a grade. If they are both there but you do a poor job of formatting the works cited page or the in-text citations, half a grade. If you are missing the required number of sources, you lose half a grade.

    For Paper #4 , the Research Paper, you will begin with 20 points. To lose points, do the following: Works Cited page or in-text citations missing, 10 points off for each. Paper not formatted according to MLA style formatting, formatted poorly, 10 points off. If both Works Cited page and in-text citations are there but done poorly, not according to MLA rules, then you lose 5-10 points depending on severity.


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