You are required to write a criticism of a work of art. Let me answer the questions I anticipate you will have about this assignment.
What type of art must I choose?
You may choose any of the art forms included in this course–film, drama, music, painting, literature, sculpture, or architecture.
Can I go to any film or musical performance, etc.?
Please try to select something you think is a work of art.
Do I have to go to a theater, performing arts center, or museum in order to do this assignment?
I encourage you to do that, but I also encourage you to seek out reasonably priced or free experiences. If you cannot attend a live performance or visit a museum or gallery, you may watch a videotaped or televised version of a drama, film, or musical performance. You could also critique a painting included in a good art book. You may also read a book, which is a work of literature.
You may NOT criticize a work of art discussed in the text.
How do I do the criticism?
I want you to do a descriptive, interpretative, and evaluative criticism of the work of art. Your textbook discusses these forms of criticism and gives examples of each kind. I encourage you to draw as much from the text as you can to perform your criticism. I do not require you to do any additional research, such as background research on the artist or the school of art he/she represents, but this type of information will help you do the interpretive criticism.
How long does it have to be?
3 – 4 typewritten (word processed), double-spaced pages.
Do you have any special instructions about the format?
For the body of the paper, use any style sheet you prefer. Include a cover page on which you list your name, Humanities 110, the date, the title of the work of art, and where you experienced it.