Articles Review/Spotlight Artwork Jessica Snow & Four Traits of Collaborative Leaders

    Order Description
    Write a 2 page report that summarizes and analyzes the two articles attached. One section of the report should summarize the articles, and then another section of the report should be used to draw connections between the concepts in the articles and the work experiences of a manager.
    Spotlight Artwork Jessica Snow
    Curly Words, 2011, acrylic on paper
    17″ x 21″
    Spotlight on Influence
    Then Lead
    To exert influence, you must balance
    competence with warmth. by Amy J.C. Cuddy,
    Matthew Kohut, and John Neffinger
    Amy J.C. Cuddy is an
    associate professor of
    business administration at
    Harvard Business School.
    Matthew Kohut and John
    Neffinger are the authors
    of Compelling People: The
    Hidden Qualities That Make
    Us Influential (Hudson
    Street Press, August 2013)
    and principals at KNP
    July–August 2013 Harvard Business Review 55
    Is it better to be loved or feared?
    employee with outmoded skills in a rapidly evolving
    To be sure, we notice plenty of other traits in
    people, but they’re nowhere near as influential as
    warmth and strength. Indeed, insights from the field
    of psychology show that these two dimensions account
    for more than 90% of the variance in our positive
    or negative impressions we form of the people
    around us.
    So which is better, being lovable or being strong?
    Most leaders today tend to emphasize their strength,
    competence, and credentials in the workplace, but
    that is exactly the wrong approach. Leaders who
    project strength before establishing trust run the
    risk of eliciting fear, and along with it a host of dysfunctional
    behaviors. Fear can undermine cognitive
    potential, creativity, and problem solving, and cause
    employees to get stuck and even disengage. It’s
    a “hot” emotion, with long-lasting effects. It burns
    into our memory in a way that cooler emotions
    don’t. Research by Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman
    drives this point home: In a study of 51,836 leaders,
    only 27 of them were rated in the bottom quartile in
    terms of likability and in the top quartile in terms
    of overall leadership effectiveness—in other words,
    the chances that a manager who is strongly disliked
    will be considered a good leader are only about one
    in 2,000.
    A growing body of research suggests that the way
    to influence—and to lead—is to begin with warmth.
    Warmth is the conduit of influence: It facilitates
    trust and the communication and absorption of
    ideas. Even a few small nonverbal signals—a nod, a
    smile, an open gesture—can show people that you’re
    pleased to be in their company and attentive to their
    concerns. Prioritizing warmth helps you connect
    immediately with those around you, demonstrating
    that you hear them, understand them, and can be
    trusted by them.
    Niccolò Machiavelli pondered that timeless conundrum
    500 years ago and hedged his bets. “It may
    be answered that one should wish to be both,” he
    acknowledged, “but because it is difficult to unite
    them in one person, it is much safer to be feared than
    Now behavioral science is weighing in with research
    showing that Machiavelli had it partly right:
    When we judge others—especially our leaders—we
    look first at two characteristics: how lovable they are
    (their warmth, communion, or trustworthiness) and
    how fearsome they are (their strength, agency, or
    competence). Although there is some disagreement
    about the proper labels for the traits, researchers
    agree that they are the two primary dimensions of
    social judgment.
    Why are these traits so important? Because they
    answer two critical questions: “What are this person’s
    intentions toward me?” and “Is he or she capable
    of acting on those intentions?” Together, these
    assessments underlie our emotional and behavioral
    reactions to other people, groups, and even brands
    and companies. Research by one of us, Amy Cuddy,
    and colleagues Susan Fiske, of Princeton, and Peter
    Glick, of Lawrence University, shows that people
    judged to be competent but lacking in warmth often
    elicit envy in others, an emotion involving both
    respect and resentment that cuts both ways. When
    we respect someone, we want to cooperate or affiliate
    ourselves with him or her, but resentment can
    make that person vulnerable to harsh reprisal (think
    of disgraced Tyco CEO Dennis Kozlowski, whose
    extravagance made him an unsympathetic public
    figure). On the other hand, people judged as warm
    but incompetent tend to elicit pity, which also involves
    a mix of emotions: Compassion moves us to
    help those we pity, but our lack of respect leads us
    ultimately to neglect them (think of workers who become
    marginalized as they near retirement or of an
    About the
    Spotlight Artist
    Each month we illustrate
    our Spotlight package
    with a series of works
    from an accomplished
    artist. The lively and
    cerebral creations of these
    photographers, painters,
    and installation artists are
    meant to infuse our pages
    with additional energy and
    intelligence to amplify what
    are often complex and
    abstract concepts.
    This month’s artist
    is Jessica Snow, a San
    Francisco–based abstract
    painter. “The most interesting
    pieces are those in
    which something has been
    left unresolved,” she says.
    “Its reason for being has not
    been entirely spelled out
    for the viewer or even for
    the artist.” View the artist’s
    work at and
    Photography: klea mckenna
    56 Harvard Business Review July–August 2013
    Spotlight on Influence
    When Strength Comes First
    Most of us work hard to demonstrate our competence.
    We want to see ourselves as strong—and want
    others to see us the same way. We focus on warding
    off challenges to our strength and providing abundant
    evidence of competence. We feel compelled to
    demonstrate that we’re up to the job, by striving to
    present the most innovative ideas in meetings, being
    the first to tackle a challenge, and working the
    longest hours. We’re sure of our own intentions and
    thus don’t feel the need to prove that we’re trustworthy—
    despite the fact that evidence of trustworthiness
    is the first thing we look for in others.
    Organizational psychologists Andrea Abele, of
    the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, and Bogdan
    Wojciszke, of the University of Gdansk, have documented
    this phenomenon across a variety of settings.
    In one experiment, when asked to choose between
    training programs focusing on competence-related
    skills (such as time management) and warmth-related
    ones (providing social support, for instance),
    most participants opted for competence-based
    training for themselves but soft-skills training for
    others. In another experiment, in which participants
    were asked to describe an event that shaped
    their self-image,
    most told stories about themselves
    that emphasized their own competence and self-determination
    (“I passed my pilot’s license test on
    the first try”), whereas when they described a similar
    event for someone else, they focused on that person’s
    warmth and generosity (“My friend tutored his
    neighbor’s child in math and refused to accept any
    But putting competence first undermines leadership:
    Without a foundation of trust, people in the
    organization may comply outwardly with a leader’s
    wishes, but they’re much less likely to conform privately—
    to adopt the values, culture, and mission
    of the organization in a sincere, lasting way. Workplaces
    lacking in trust often have a culture of “every
    employee for himself,” in which people feel that
    they must be vigilant about protecting their interests.
    Employees can become reluctant to help others
    because they’re unsure of whether their efforts will
    be reciprocated or recognized. The result: Shared
    organizational resources fall victim to the tragedy of
    the commons.
    When Warmth Comes First
    Although most of us strive to demonstrate our
    strength, warmth contributes significantly more
    to others’ evaluations of us—and it’s judged before
    Idea in Brief
    Typically, leaders emphasize
    their strength or competence
    in the workplace, which can
    alienate colleagues and direct
    Decades of sociology and
    psychology research show
    that by first focusing on
    displaying warmth—and then
    blending in demonstrations of
    competence—leaders will find
    a clearer path to influence.
    This is difficult to do but not
    impossible, depending on
    your chemical and dispositional
    makeup. The authors
    offer specific guidelines on
    how to project warmth and
    strength in various situations.
    How will people react
    to your style?
    Research by Amy Cuddy, Susan Fiske, and Peter Glick
    suggests that the way others perceive your levels of
    warmth and competence determines the emotions
    you’ll elicit and your ability to influence a situation.
    For example, if you’re highly competent but show only
    moderate warmth, you’ll get people to go along with you,
    but you won’t earn their true engagement and support.
    And if you show no warmth, beware of those who may try
    to derail your efforts—and maybe your career.
    July–August 2013 Harvard Business Review 57
    Connect, Then Lead
    competence. Princeton social psychologist Alex
    Todorov and colleagues study the cognitive and neural
    mechanisms that drive our “spontaneous trait
    inferences”—the snap judgments we make when
    briefly looking at faces. Their research shows that
    when making those judgments, people consistently
    pick up on warmth faster than on competence. This
    preference for warmth holds true in other areas as
    well. In a study led by Oscar Ybarra, of the University
    of Michigan, participants playing a word game identified
    warmth-related words (such as “friendly”) significantly
    faster than competence-related ones (such
    as “skillful”).
    Behavioral economists, for their part, have
    shown that judgments of trustworthiness generally
    lead to significantly higher economic gains. For
    example, Mascha van ’t Wout, of Brown University,
    and Alan Sanfey, of the University of Arizona, asked
    subjects to determine how an endowment should
    be allocated. Players invested more money, with
    no guarantee of return, in partners whom they
    perceived to be more trustworthy on the basis of a
    glance at their faces.
    In management settings, trust increases information
    sharing, openness, fluidity, and cooperation. If
    coworkers can be trusted to do the right thing and
    live up to their commitments, planning, coordination,
    and execution are much easier. Trust also facilitates
    the exchange and acceptance of ideas—it allows
    people to hear others’ message—and boosts the
    quantity and quality of the ideas that are produced
    within an organization. Most important, trust provides
    the opportunity to change people’s attitudes
    and beliefs, not just their outward behavior. That’s
    the sweet spot when it comes to influence and the
    ability to get people to fully accept your message.
    The Happy Warrior
    The best way to gain influence is to combine warmth
    and strength—as difficult as Machiavelli says that
    may be to do. The traits can actually be mutually reinforcing:
    Feeling a sense of personal strength helps
    us to be more open, less threatened, and less threatening
    in stressful situations. When we feel confident
    and calm, we project authenticity and warmth.
    Understanding a little bit about our chemical
    makeup can shed some light on how this works. The
    neuropeptides oxytocin and arginine vasopressin,
    for instance, have been linked to our ability to form
    human attachments, to feel and express warmth,
    and to behave altruistically. Recent research also
    The primacy of warmth manifests in many interrelated ways
    that powerfully underscore the importance of connecting
    with people before trying to lead them.
    Why Warmth Trumps Strength
    The Need to Affiliate
    People have a need to be included,
    to feel a sense of belonging. In fact,
    some psychologists would argue that
    the drive to affiliate ranks among
    our primary needs as humans. Experiments
    by neuroscientist Naomi
    Eisenberger and colleagues suggest
    that the need is so strong that when
    we are ostracized—even by virtual
    strangers—we experience pain that is
    akin to strong physical pain.
    “Us” Versus “Them”
    In recent decades, few areas have
    received as much attention from social
    psychology researchers as group
    dynamics—and for good reason: The
    preference for the groups to which
    one belongs is so strong that even
    under extreme conditions—such as
    knowing that membership in a group
    was randomly assigned and that the
    groups themselves are arbitrary—
    people consistently prefer fellow
    group members to nonmembers.
    As a leader, you must make sure
    you’re a part of the key groups in
    your organization. In fact, you want
    to be the aspirational member of the
    group, the chosen representative of
    the group. As soon as you become
    one of “them”—the management,
    the leadership—you begin to lose
    The Desire to Be
    People deeply desire to be heard
    and seen. Sadly, as important as
    perspective-taking is to good leadership,
    being in a position of power
    decreases people’s understanding of
    others’ points of view. When we have
    power over others, our ability to see
    them as individuals diminishes. So
    leaders need to consciously and consistently
    make the effort to imagine
    walking in the shoes of the people
    they are leading.
    suggests that across the animal kingdom feelings of
    strength and power have close ties to two hormones:
    testosterone (associated with assertiveness, reduced
    fear, and willingness to compete and take risks) and
    cortisol (associated with stress and stress reactivity).
    One study, by Jennifer Lerner, Gary Sherman,
    Amy Cuddy, and colleagues, brought hundreds of
    people participating in Harvard executive-education
    programs into the lab and compared their levels of
    cortisol with the average levels of the general population.
    The leaders reported less stress and anxiety
    than did the general population, and their physiology
    backed that up: Their cortisol levels were significantly
    lower. Moreover, the higher their rank and the
    more subordinates they managed, the lower their
    cortisol level. Why? Most likely because the leaders
    had a heightened sense of control—a psychological
    factor known to have a powerful stress-buffering effect.
    According to research by Pranjal Mehta, of the
    University of Oregon, and Robert Josephs, of the University
    of Texas, the most effective leaders, regard-
    58 Harvard Business Review July–August 2013
    Spotlight on Influence
    less of gender, have a unique physiological profile,
    with relatively high testosterone and relatively low
    Such leaders face troubles without being troubled.
    Their behavior is not relaxed, but they are relaxed
    emotionally. They’re often viewed as “happy
    warriors,” and the effect of their demeanor on those
    around them is compelling. Happy warriors reassure
    us that whatever challenges we may face, things will
    work out in the end. Ann Richards, the former governor
    of Texas, played the happy warrior by pairing her
    assertiveness and authority with a big smile and a
    quick wit that made it clear she did not let the roughand-
    tumble of politics get her down.
    During crises, these are the people who are able
    to keep that influence conduit open and may even
    expand it. Most people hate uncertainty, but they
    tolerate it much better when they can look to a
    leader who they believe has their back and is calm,
    clearheaded, and courageous. These are the people
    we trust. These are the people we listen to.
    There are physical exercises that can help to
    summon self-confidence—and even alter your
    body’s chemistry to be more like that of a happy
    warrior. Dana Carney, Amy Cuddy, and Andy Yap
    suggest that people adopt “power poses” associated
    with dominance and strength across the animal
    kingdom. These postures are open, expansive, and
    space-occupying (imagine Wonder Woman and Superman
    standing tall with their hands on their hips
    and feet spread apart). By adopting these postures
    for just two minutes prior to social encounters, their
    research shows, participants significantly increased
    their testosterone and decreased their cortisol levels.
    Bear in mind that the signals we send can be ambiguous—
    we can see someone’s reaction to our presence,
    but we may not be sure exactly what the person
    is reacting to. We may feel a leader’s warmth but
    remain unsure whether it is directed at us; we sense
    her strength but need reassurance that it is squarely
    aimed at the shared challenge we face. And, as we
    noted earlier, judgments are often made quickly, on
    the basis of nonverbal cues. Especially when facing
    a high-pressure situation, it is useful for leaders to
    go through a brief warm-up routine beforehand to
    get in the right state of mind, practicing and adopting
    an attitude that will help them project positive
    nonverbal signals. We refer to this approach as
    “inside-out,” in contrast to the “outside-in” strategy
    of trying to consciously execute specific nonverbal
    behaviors in the moment. Think of the difference
    between method acting and classical acting: In
    method acting, the actor experiences the emotions
    of the character and naturally produces an authentic
    performance, whereas in classical acting, actors
    learn to exercise precise control of their nonverbal
    signals. Generally speaking, an inside-out approach
    is more effective.
    There are many tactics for projecting warmth and
    competence, and these can be dialed up or down as
    needed. Two of us, John Neffinger and Matt Kohut,
    work with leaders from many walks of life in mastering
    both nonverbal and verbal cues. Let’s look now at
    some best practices.
    How to Project Warmth
    Efforts to appear warm and trustworthy by consciously
    controlling your nonverbal signals can backfire:
    All too often, you’ll come off as wooden and inauthentic
    instead. Here are ways to avoid that trap.
    Find the right level. When people want to
    project warmth, they sometimes amp up the enthusiasm
    in their voice, increasing their volume and
    dynamic range to convey delight. That can be effective
    in the right setting, but if those around you have
    done nothing in particular to earn your adulation,
    they’ll assume either that you’re faking it or that you
    fawn over everyone indiscriminately.
    A better way to create vocal warmth is to speak
    with lower pitch and volume, as you would if you
    were comforting a friend. Aim for a tone that suggests
    that you’re leveling with people—that you’re
    sharing the straight scoop, with no pretense or emotional
    adornment. In doing so, you signal that you
    trust those you’re talking with to handle things the
    right way. You might even occasionally share a personal
    story—one that feels private but not inappropriate—
    in a confiding tone of voice to demonstrate
    that you’re being forthcoming and open. Suppose,
    for instance, that you want to establish a bond with
    new employees you’re meeting for the first time. You
    might offer something personal right off the bat, such
    as recalling how you felt at a similar point in your career.
    That’s often enough to set a congenial tone.
    Validate feelings. Before people decide what
    they think of your message, they decide what they
    think of you. If you show your employees that you
    hold roughly the same worldview they do, you demonstrate
    not only empathy but, in their eyes, common
    sense—the ultimate qualification for being
    listened to. So if you want colleagues to listen and
    agree with you, first agree with them.
    Before people
    decide what
    they think
    of your
    they decide
    what they
    think of you.
    July–August 2013 Harvard Business Review 59
    Connect, Then Lead
    Imagine, for instance, that your company is undergoing
    a major reorganization and your group is
    feeling deep anxiety over what the change could
    mean—for quality, innovation, job security. Acknowledge
    people’s fear and concerns when you
    speak to them, whether in formal meetings or during
    watercooler chats. Look them in the eye and say,
    “I know everybody’s feeling a lot of uncertainty right
    now, and it’s unsettling.” People will respect you for
    addressing the elephant in the room, and will be
    more open to hearing what you have to say.
    Smile—and mean it. When we smile sincerely,
    the warmth becomes self-reinforcing: Feeling happy
    makes us smile, and smiling makes us happy. This
    facial feedback is also contagious. We tend to mirror
    one another’s nonverbal expressions and emotions,
    so when we see someone beaming and emanating
    genuine warmth, we can’t resist smiling ourselves.
    Warmth is not easy to fake, of course, and a polite
    smile fools no one. To project warmth, you have to
    genuinely feel it. A natural smile, for instance, involves
    not only the muscles around the mouth but
    also those around the eyes—the crow’s feet.
    So how do you produce a natural smile? Find
    some reason to feel happy wherever you may be,
    even if you have to resort to laughing at your predicament.
    Introverts in social settings can single out
    one person to focus on. This can help you channel
    the sense of comfort you feel with close friends or
    For example, KNP worked with a manager who
    was having trouble connecting with her employees.
    Having come up through the ranks as a highly analytic
    engineer, she projected competence and determination,
    but not much warmth. We noticed, however,
    that when she talked about where she grew up
    and what she learned about life from the tight-knit
    community in her neighborhood, her demeanor relaxed
    and she smiled broadly. By including a brief
    anecdote about her upbringing when she kicked
    off a meeting or made a presentation, she was able
    to show her colleagues a warm and relatable side of
    One thing to avoid: smiling with your eyebrows
    raised at anyone over the age of five. This suggests
    that you are overly eager to please and be liked. It
    also signals anxiety, which, like warmth, is contagious.
    It will cost you much more in strength than
    you will gain in warmth.
    How to Project Strength
    Strength or competence can be established by virtue
    of the position you hold, your reputation, and
    your actual performance. But your presence, or
    demeanor, always counts, too. The way you carry
    yourself doesn’t establish your skill level, of course,
    but it is taken as strong evidence of your attitude—
    how serious you are and how determined to tackle
    a challenge—and that is an important component of
    overall strength. The trick is to cultivate a demeanor
    of strength without seeming menacing.
    Feel in command. Warmth may be harder to
    fake, but confidence is harder to talk yourself into.
    Feeling like an impostor—that you don’t belong in
    the position you’re in and are going to be “found
    out”—is very common. But self-doubt completely
    undermines your ability to project confidence, enthusiasm,
    and passion, the qualities that make up
    presence. In fact, if you see yourself as an impostor,
    others will, too. Feeling in command and confident
    is about connecting with yourself. And when we are
    connected with ourselves, it is much easier to connect
    with others.
    Holding your body in certain ways, as we discussed
    above, can help. Although we refer to these
    postures as power poses, they don’t increase your
    dominance over others. They’re about personal
    power—your agency and ability to self-regulate. Re-
    Are You Projecting Warmth?
    How you present yourself in workplace
    settings matters a great deal to how
    you’re perceived by others. Even if you’re
    not feeling particularly warm, practicing
    these approaches and using them in
    formal and informal situations can help
    clear your path to influence.
    When standing,
    balance your weight
    primarily on one hip
    to avoid appearing
    rigid or tense.
    Tilt your head slightly
    and keep your hands
    open and welcoming.
    Warm Cold
    Avoid standing with your
    chin pointed down.
    Don’t pivot your body
    away from the person
    you’re engaging with.
    Avoid closed-hand
    positions and cutting
    illustrat ion: colin haye s
    60 Harvard Business Review July–August 2013
    Spotlight on Influence
    cent research led by Dacher Keltner, of the University
    of California, Berkeley, shows that feeling powerful
    in this way allows you to shed the fears and inhibitions
    that can prevent you from bringing your fullest,
    most authentic and enthusiastic self to a high-stakes
    professional situation, such as a pitch to investors or
    a speech to an influential audience.
    Stand up straight. It is hard to overstate the
    importance of good posture in projecting authority
    and an intention to be taken seriously. As Maya Angelou
    wrote, “Stand up straight and realize who you
    are, that you tower over your circumstances.” Good
    posture does not mean the exaggerated chest-out
    pose known in the military as standing at attention,
    or raising one’s chin up high. It just means reaching
    your full height, using your muscles to straighten
    the S-curve in your spine rather than slouching. It
    sounds trivial, but maximizing the physical space
    your body takes up makes a substantial difference in
    how your audience reacts to you, regardless of your
    Get ahold of yourself. When you move, move
    deliberately and precisely to a specific spot rather
    than casting your limbs about loose-jointedly. And
    when you are finished moving, be still. Twitching,
    fidgeting, or other visual static sends the signal that
    you’re not in control. Stillness demonstrates calm.
    Combine that with good posture, and you’ll achieve
    what’s known as poise, which telegraphs equilibrium
    and stability, important aspects of credible
    leadership presence.
    Standing tall is an especially good way to project
    strength because it doesn’t interfere with warmth
    in the way that other signals of strength—cutting
    gestures, a furrowed brow, an elevated chin—often
    do. People who instruct their children to stand up
    straight and smile are on to something: This simple
    combination is perhaps the best way to project
    strength and warmth simultaneously.
    If you want to effectively lead others, you have to
    get the warmth-competence dynamic right. Projecting
    both traits at once is difficult, but the two can be
    mutually reinforcing—and the rewards substantial.
    Earning the trust and appreciation of those around
    you feels good. Feeling in command of a situation
    does, too. Doing both lets you influence people more
    The strategies we suggest may seem awkward at
    first, but they will soon create a positive feedback
    loop. Being calm and confident creates space to be
    warm, open, and appreciative, to choose to act in
    ways that reflect and express your values and priorities.
    Once you establish your warmth, your strength
    is received as a welcome reassurance. Your leadership
    becomes not a threat but a gift.
    HBR Reprint R1307C
    Lean inward in a nonaggressive
    manner to signal interest and
    Place your hands comfortably
    on your knees or rest them on
    the table.
    Aim for body language that feels
    professional but relaxed.
    Warm Cold
    Try not to angle your body
    away from the person you’re
    Crossing your arms
    indicates coldness and a
    lack of receptivity.
    Avoid sitting “at attention”
    or in an aggressive posture.
    July–August 2013 Harvard Business Review 61
    Connect, Then Lead
    “For the plaintiff in this case, your honor, the product’s bold assertion—
    ‘easy-opening lid’—was a cruel and vicious lie.”
    Cart oon: Nick Downes
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    Published: September 3, 2012
    Business Literature: Author’s Choice
    Four Traits of Collaborative Leaders
    Zachary Tumin and William Bratton, coauthors of Collaborate or Perish! Reaching across Boundaries in a Networked
    World, introduce an excerpt about how managers can become collaboration catalysts from The Collaboration
    Imperative: Executive Strategies for Unlocking Your Organization’s True Potential, by Ron Ricci and Carl Wiese.
    Hum an beings hav e been collaborating since the first m astodon hunt, but
    today there is m ore collaboration than ev er. From the m arketplace to the
    battlefield, no one’s going it alone.
    The difference now is that we are where Marshall McLuhan and Alv in Toffler
    said we’d be — the world is an electronic v illage in which the power of sm all
    groups to disrupt the status quo is soaring and response tim es are fast
    approaching zero. Digital technology has changed ev ery thing.
    Or has it? Technology is an essential elem ent of collaboration, but it’s no silv er
    bullet. It can take out the friction, but in this era of big data, there are still
    plenty of big collaborativ e failures.
    What m akes collaboration so hard? It necessitates reaching across boundaries,
    building trust quickly , joining the assets of m ultiple networks, and m aking
    ev ery thing work together. All in an env ironm ent where y ou m ay hav e little or no form al authority , y et face the
    challenge of ov ercom ing legacy sy stem s, slow-m ov ing bureaucracies, and m ind-sets that fav or collaboration only as a
    last resort.
    In short, successful collaboration requires leadership. This excerpt from a book by Cisco executiv es Ron Ricci and Carl
    Wiese explains the key behav iors that leaders m ust exhibit to support and enhance collaboration. Ev ery leader looking
    to unpack the riddle of collaboration and chart a sure path forward should read it.
    — Zachary Tumin and William Bratton
    An excerpt from Chapter 2 of The Collaboration Imperative: Executive Strategies for Unlocking Your
    Organization’s True Potential
    In order to becom e a chief cataly st for collaboration, y ou will hav e to m odel behav iors that em body the way y ou’d like
    y our em ploy ees to work. For 1 50 y ears, corporations, gov ernm ents and m ilitaries were built for up-and-down
    leadership, with incentiv es and rewards that discouraged cross-organization thinking and, in m any cases, actually
    created or encouraged internal com petition. Your challenge is to dev elop and m odel the behav iors required to inspire
    people and team s to genuinely break through organizational silos and m ake collaboration a com petitiv e adv antage.
    How y ou lead y our people has a direct im pact on y our ability to elim inate or m itigate the ty pes of hum an behav iors
    that slow organizations down. In our experience, both inside Cisco and with our custom ers, highly collaborativ e
    leaders share four leadership traits. They :
    Focus on authentic leadership and eschew passiv e aggressiv eness
    Relentlessly pursue transparent decision m aking
    View resources as instrum ents of action, not as possessions
    Codify the relationship between decision rights, accountability and rewards
    Focus on authentic leadership and eschew passive aggressiveness. For collaboration to succeed, leaders need to be
    authentic. Cisco studied which characteristics of leaders on collaborativ e team s are m ost im portant, and we found
    that the m ost critical attribute was a leader’s willingness to follow through on com m itm ents. This inv olv es two
    elem ents.
    First, as a leader of a team , departm ent or business unit with people, budgets and resources under y our control, y ou
    m ust follow through on organizational com m itm ents. Unfortunately , people don’t alway s do what they prom ise.
    Passiv e aggressiv eness is a subtle, nuanced form of hum an behav ior in which people find way s to underm ine others.
    They often giv e tacit agreem ent in a m eeting, for exam ple, but then proceed to take counterproductiv e action once
    the m eeting is ov er. Or they m ight agree to help another team , but then are slow to follow through or put an underperform
    er on the assignm ent. Think of how m uch organizational inertia is created because leaders don’t alway s do
    what they say they will do.
    Second, when there is disagreem ent about a decision — one m ade by y ou or som eone else — fight the instinct to m ake it
    personal. Ultim ately , m ost disagreem ents are not personal in nature, but rather result from differing approaches to
    m aking a decision. The m ore y ou focus on com m unicating what driv es y our decision m aking, the m ore tim e y ou can
    spend m aking good decisions instead of arguing a choice with a peer. This leads us to the next leadership trait.
    Relentlessly pursue transparent decision making. Decisions are alway s about m aking choices; it’s critical that y ou are
    clear about how y ou m ake them . Tell people y our sty le and thought process for nav igating tricky , or ev en ev ery day ,
    decisions. In our experience, and this is backed up by research, there’s a direct relationship between the agility and
    resilience of a team and the transparency of its decision-m aking processes. When y ou’re open and transparent about
    the answers to three questions — who m ade the decision, who is accountable for the outcom es of the decision, and is
    that accountability real — people in organizations spend far less tim e questioning how or why a decision was m ade.
    Think of how m uch tim e is wasted ferreting out details when a decision is m ade and com m unicated because the people
    who are affected don’t know who m ade the decision or who is accountable for its consequences.
    … As a leader, y our responsibility is to docum ent the key decision paths of y our organization and com m unicate them
    to y our team as often as y ou can. There was a tim e in business when hoarding inform ation was a source of
    organizational power. Today , the inv erse is true if y ou want to m otiv ate a team that is increasingly m obile, global
    and socially driv en.
    Explain the guiding principles of y our decision-m aking sty le at each stage of y our organization’s decision paths. Share
    y our biases and tell war stories of how y our successes and failures shaped these biases. We often hear the phrase
    “intelligent risk taking” — nothing em powers people to take good risks m ore than understanding the conditions for
    taking the risk in the first place. Transparent decision m aking is critical to em powering y our people.
    View resources as instruments of action, not as possessions. The prom ise of flexibility and agility as an organization,
    inspired by establishing shared goals across organizational boundaries, is only attainable if y ou back it up by sharing
    resources as well.
    It’s hardly a new observ ation that people som etim es stockpile resources around their business unit or departm ent, or
    are slow — perhaps ev en hesitant — to share those resources with other departm ents. There m ight ev en be incentiv es
    in place that discourage sharing. For as long as com panies hav e pursued profits, the size of one’s organization has
    defined the size of one’s financial opportunity . But are y our resources truly applied as optim ally as possible to y our
    m arket opportunities in a way that best serv es the total business? By unlocking these trapped resources, organizations
    can m ore quickly and successfully pursue em erging m arket opportunities.
    Hav ing a com m on approach to assess and com m unicate resource decisions is critical to creating a transparent
    env ironm ent am ong leaders. The m ore transparent the env ironm ent, the m ore willing leaders will be to share
    resources in support of the shared goals of the entire business, and the harder it will be for resisters to hoard them . This
    shift in approach is not an easy one for leaders to m ake and requires a balancing act between clear expectations,
    patience and follow through. Ultim ately , it’s as m uch a m indset as it is a process. The fundam ental enablers of
    collaborativ e leadership are v iewing resources as instrum ents of action rather than as possessions and aligning y our
    com pany ’s larger shared goals to an accountability sy stem that includes rewards and incentiv es for working together
    effectiv ely .
    Codify the relationship between decision rights, accountability and rewards. Modeling the desired collaborativ e behav iors
    — showing y our em ploy ees that y ou walk the talk — is the goal. But what happens when y ou’re not around? The m ore
    these behav iors are codified into an end-to-end sy stem across y our organization, the greater the odds of collaboration
    succeeding when y ou’re not there to reinforce cultural norm s. As y ou define the decision paths of y our organization
    and build a com m on v ocabulary to m ake those decision paths as transparent as possible, take the tim e to establish
    clear param eters. Who gets to m ake decisions? Are all decisions tied to funding? These are the ty pes of questions to
    which ev ery one m ust know the answers. Publish the param eters for these decision rights and tell people which leaders
    hav e these rights — that inform ation is crucial to breaking through any consensus logjam ; decision-rights holders
    should hav e 51 percent of the v ote when collaborativ e team s can’t reach natural agreem ent.
    Hav ing published decision rights is just one elem ent of an accountability sy stem . While it’s nev er pleasant to talk
    about the consequences of poor decisions, the reality is that to succeed, collaboration dem ands m ore distributed and
    em powered actions across y our organization. With that em powerm ent com es not only m ore good outcom es but also
    the increased potential for bad ones. You will need to consider new way s of gaining input from team s on the quality of
    collaborativ e decision m aking and reward people who consistently m ake good decisions in a collaborativ e
    env ironm ent.
    As part of their ov erall perform ance m anagem ent, ev ery Cisco em ploy ee is m easured by peers and their m anagers on
    their collaboration factor, the result of which directly im pacts how their perform ance is rated and, ultim ately , the
    size of their total com pensation. Other factors that determ ine the size of bonuses are tied to how well em ploy ees
    collectiv ely perform in achiev ing certain shared goals that Cisco establishes annually , such as custom er-satisfaction
    m etrics and financial results. Collaborativ e cultures not only foster team work, they also reward it. Perform ance
    m easures m ust strike a balance between how well em ploy ees carry out their indiv idual roles and how m uch they
    contribute to collectiv e outcom es.
    — Ron Ricci and Carl Wiese
    Reprinted with perm ission of the publisher. Copy right ©2 01 2 Cisco Sy stem s Inc.
    Zachary Tumin is the coauthor, with William Bratton, of Collaborate or Perish! Reaching across Boundaries in a Networked World (Crown
    Business, 2012). He leads the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs’ project in Information and Communications Technology and
    Public Policy at Harvard University’s Kennedy School and directs the Harvard component of a joint Harvard–MIT initiative in cybersecurity.
    William Bratton is chairman of Kroll Inc., a leading security and risk consultancy owned by Altegrity, Inc. Previously, Bratton was police
    commissioner of Boston and New York City, and police chief of Los Angeles. He is also the coauthor of Turnaround: How America’s Top Cop
    Reversed the Crime Epidemic (with Peter Knobler, Random House, 1998).
    The Collaboration Imperative: Executive Strategies for Unlocking Your Organization’s True Potential (Cisco Systems, 2011), by Ron Ricci and Carl
    Ron Ricci is vice president of corporate positioning at Cisco Systems Inc. He is also the coauthor of Momentum: How Companies Become
    Unstoppable Market Forces (with John Volkmann, Harvard Business School Press, 2003).
    Carl Wiese is senior vice president at Cisco Systems Inc., and leader of its multibillion-dollar global collaboration business. He is a veteran
    computer, data, and telecommunications industry executive with more than 25 years of experience in sales, marketing, services, and product

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