Article Summary:choose an article from the Podolefsky reader

    Writing Assignment 1

    ·         Article Summary:choose an article from the Podolefsky reader (Applying Anthropology)
             Due Friday, Feb. 21st
             Worth 20 points
             Your score will drop a letter grade every day it is late
             One to two pages long (1.5 or double-spaced)
             You may use the writing style of your choice: MLA, Chicago, etc.

             5 points: spelling, grammar, and paragraph structure
             15 points: content (an accurate summary: mention the main points of the article)

             Introduction: paragraph beginning with a topic sentence such as
             In the article “Eating Christmas in the Kalahari,” author Richard Lee explains his surprise at the !Kung San’s lack of appreciation of his Christmas gift.
             Body: a few paragraphs covering the main points of the article in your own words

             For a specific idea using most of the authors’ words, cite (Lee) after the sentence or write: Lee suggests that…
    Direct quotes (exact words of the authors) should be cited with double quotation marks: “The Christmas ox was to be my way of saying thank you for the cooperation of the past year” (Lee).
             Avoid plagiarism:
             Includes either presenting the author’s exact words without quotation marks (even if you cite the source) or presenting the author’s ideas as your own:
             When paraphrasing, at the very least, the wording, sentence syntax, and order of ideas should be changed from those of the author
             Conclusion: summary paragraph (restate introduction)

             Students will need to upload their papers into a plagiarism checker (Turnitin) on Blackboard: (I will also need a printed/hard copy of your paper.)

             Turnitin flags text that appears exactly the same way on the internet, in articles, and in other students’ papers
             Indicates the percentage of a paper that is attributable to other sources
             How to upload your papers:go to Assignments (BB), select View/Complete under Writing Assignment 1, and follow the instructions

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