Article Review

    A review paper describes many published research studies on a particular topic (i.e this is not the author’s
    report of original research, rather the author discusses others’ research). For this project, you will be
    critiquing an article on behavioral techniques that is a review paper. Complete a summary of the main points and
    findings. Describe it in a scholarly (using critical thinking) manner, but also in a way that someone from outside
    the area can understand.

    Then critique the article with the following questions:

    a. Do you have confidence in the researchers’ findings (i.e., were there critical flaws in the study design or
    confounds that might have occurred in the study)?

    b. Does the study generalize to other people that were not the subject of the research (e.g., college student
    study generalizing to everyone, study in the US applying to other cultures)?

    c. What does the study mean in the big picture and how does it apply to society in general (i.e., how does it
    impact society in general)?

    d. How does learning theory relate to the research?

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