Article Published in a Psychology Journal

    Article Published in a Psychology Journal

    This project will give you an opportunity to apply psychological research to understand real world problems. You are asked to locate and read two articles:
    1. an article from the popular press describing a current issue or event that is related to the material covered in the course.
    2. a research study report on that same topic from a peer-reviewed psychology journal.
    Finally you are asked to consider how the results of the research study relate to the current issue/event from the everyday press.
    Please follow the steps:
    1. Findarecentarticle(2013)describingarealworldissue/currenteventin popular press that you can relate to psychological concept, topic, or a theory covered in the course (do not use a report of a study or a summary of studies in psychology). The examples of good choices of sources are (use archives or feel free to locate the hard copies in the library):
    The Globe & Mail Toronto Star
    Macleans Online
    Examples of current issues/events (do not use those for your paper):
    People dating above their looks: the last relationship taboo?
    Shark-fin ban resurfaces as Toronto council backers seek new, narrower rule
    Toronto police officer convicted of sexual assault in massage parlour What is likely to lead to your death?
    2. Readthearticleandidentifypsychologicalconcept(s)thatrelatetothe issue/event.
    Examples of psychological concepts: obedience, operant conditioning, biological drives, nature-nurture, attachment, stress and coping, etc.
    Locate a recent (2007-13) empirical research article from a peer- reviewed psychology journal that relates to the same psychological concept and to the issue/current event identified in part one. It is important to select a ?research article? describing a study done by the authors (hint: look for the ?method? and ?results? sections) NOT a review article or a meta-analytical article.
    3. Read the research study and think about how the results may relate to the current issue/event
    4. Write a 5-6 double-spaced page paper that addresses the following points:
     In one paragraph summarize the real world issue/current event
    selected in part one. Submit a copy of the first page of the article
    describing the current issue. (2 points)
     Clearly describe the psychological concept(s) or theory that is related
    to the selected issue/current event. Incorporate plenty of terms from your textbook to demonstrate your understanding. (6 points)
     Locate the research article relevant to the concept/theory and to your selected current issue/event. Describe your search strategy (which search engine? keywords? how did you retrieve the article?).
    Include the full reference of the research article (author, year, title, journal name, volume, pages) using APA style. (4 points)
    For more information about APA style check the OWL Purdue website:
    See Psychology Research Guide on information about searching for the peer-reviewed articles.
    To search for the article use one of the online academic search engines like PsychInfo, Web of Science or PubMed.
    Information on how to use those engines is available at York?s library website at
    or other search engines 75887
    Getting Help with library search: htm#help
     Summarize the recent research article related to the current event/issue. Describe what the study was investigating (what was the research question? hypotheses?), what kind of research design was used (e.g. correlational, experimental)? Identify the variables (dependent, independent?) and describe the findings (what were the results and how do they relate to the hypotheses?). (6 points)
     Describe how the results of the research article may relate to the real world issue/current event. E.g. can the results of the study be used to explain the current issue/event? Or do the results suggest how to deal with the issue, or how to prevent it in the future? (4 points)
     Please put your name on the front page of your assignment and staple the pages. Check grammar, spelling, and organization of the paper.
    (4 points)
     Submit to TURNITIN: your 5-6 pages of the word document only Class Name: Introduction to Psychology Class ID: 6161204 Enrollment Password: ak1010
    Please use your family name to submit your assignment to your TA Ashley ([email protected]): A-G,
    Katherine ([email protected]): H-M,
    Michael ([email protected]): N-Z
    In addition, submit to your TA by e-mail (submit ONCE only, don?t press the send key multiple times) three files:
    1. yourworddocument5-6pages
    2. thearticle(probablypdfformat)
    3. popularmediaarticle
    All of the files must to be identified with your name. Assuming your name is John Student, you would name the documents JohnStudentAssignment, JohnStudentPeerPaper, JohnStudentMedia Please note that there will be lateness penalty: 10% for the first day, 5% for any subsequent day. (4 points)

    the psychology materials and topic have to be in area of introductory undergraduate psychology level 1.




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