Article critique of “The State of the Modern Olympics: Citius, Altius, Fortius” by Nigel Crowther (2004) as it relates to the key themes, topics and examples discussed within the course

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    1. Article Critique (maximum 5 pages double spaced) – 20 marks

    Please complete an article critique of “The State of the Modern Olympics: Citius, Altius, Fortius” by Nigel Crowther (2004) as it relates to the key themes, topics and examples discussed within the course.

    Throughout the course we have examined the Modern Olympics as they have emerged over the past century to become one of the most pervasive sporting festivals and mega events in the world. From their very beginning, the modern Games have had aspirations that have extended beyond sport. Reflect critically upon past, current and future issues affecting the global role of the Olympics and its wide ranging effects upon sport, culture and the environment, with a focus on the key themes discussed throughout the semester:

    – Amateurism and Professionalism
    – The Olympics and Aboriginals
    – Politics and Ideology
    – The Winter Olympics, Communism and the Cold War
    – The Winter Olympics, Gender and Whiteness
    – Gender and Sex Testing
    – Disability and the Paralympics
    – Race and Human Rights
    – Asia and the Olympics
    – Olympic Legacies
    – Technology, PEDS and Doping Control

    The article critique is a way for you to display your knowledge of the course; to engage with ideas, theories, key themes and examples, and you are expected to engage with the article rather than just summarize it. Your critique should provide an actively engaged response to the article and course, and you will need to utilize course materials and additional sources to provide thoughtful reasoning, evidence and commentary. The process of critiquing this article is to involve your critical reading, writing and thinking skills through actively responding to the reading and the course.

    2. Application (maximum 3 pages double spaced) – 10 marks

    Please explore the following three themes (i) Disability and the Paralympics, (ii) Olympic Legacies, and (iii) Sporting Technologies as they relate to the recent XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi.

    We have had a special focus on the 2014 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi, Russia. We would like you to critically explore the three selected themes above through the use of course material and additional sources. After providing a brief introduction, please use sub-headings to specify the three separate topics, themes or examples you have selected to explore.

    PART 2:
    3. Reflection (maximum 3 pages double spaced) – 10 marks

    Utilizing course material (lectures, articles, video clips) and supplementary sources, expand and reflect on the following statement,

    “Suppose that the only consequence of doping is enhanced performance.
    Would that really be against the spirit of sport?”

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