artefact of the Museum of Science and Technology

    — a section or single artefact of the Museum of Science and Technology

    — a section or single artefact at the Experimental Farm

    — a section or single artefact at the Aviation Museum (the professor’s explicit written permission is required to choose the Avro Arrow as a topic)

    — a section or single artefact at the Cumberland Museum

    — a section or single artefact at the War Museum

    — Watson’s Mill (built in 1860, a working gristmill in Manotick)

    — the Wakefield Steam Train (if in operation)

    — a section or single artefact at Upper Canada Village

    Any of these is fine with me, what ever is easier to complete is beneficial for me.

    one of the explanations he posted…

    The report will be graded on the description and characterization of its subject (what technology is presented: 25%), on the account of its historical origins and context (from what era it is: 25%), and on your evaluation of its display as a historical and technological artefact (how well it is presented in your opinion, with reasons: 35%). Therefore, it is in essence a report on fieldwork. Nevertheless, it must include a bibliography of at least three books or papers published in scholarly journals.

    another explanation he posted…

    1400-word field report produced in proper essay format, double-spaced, due on the same dates, based on a personal visit(if you can make it seem like it was a personal visit by any way possible it would be greatly appreciated otherwise no worries) and research citing at least three scholarly published sources.  Field reports without footnotes or without notes including page numbers will be given a grade of 0.

    So if possible please include footnotes!! also it is okay if its 1375 words instead of 1400

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