art history

    art history

    1. Describe the changes in the patronage system during the periods and cultures of these 4 chapters and how it is reflected in the artworks produced. Think about how changes in patronage and how that might relate to socio/religious changes as well as geopolitical ones. Are there distinctions in patronage that result in different aesthetics? Does this account for the distinct differences between the Northern and Italian Renaissance?

    2. Use examples from the art we have studied in these 4 chapters to defend the statement, “representation is a matter of function.” In Western culture the Renaissance art of this unit is perhaps the most celebrated in human achievement. Looking at the development of humanism and natural form, how can it be seen as evolving from specific ideological needs as opposed to simply an increase in “talent”.

    3. In what ways has architecture informed us of the cultures we have studied in these four chapters? Architecture at this time is coming close to a science. Specifically, treatises are being written and buildings are being documented for their artistic and spiritual qualities. What do we learn about a culture form their architecture? Is there a development of architectural form? How is it unique from other art forms? How does architecture reflect and promote ideas?


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