argumentative essay about language death according my instructions

    Please from the following information make a good title and write 3300 words:

    What causes language death? Why do languages cease to exist try to identify the most crucial circumstances that lead to such an effect.
    What is the role of lingua franca in this process?
    What role more precisely, does English play for some languages with respect to possible language death? Discuss this beyond the details of this text by considering more globally how English is used around the world.
    What can be done to save a language? Think of policies induced by the government and work done by linguists


    ? As normal essays write an introduction, literature review make an argumentative body paragraph and conclusion.
    ? Write an argumentative essay.
    ? Please, avoid repetition and digression.
    ? Research questions
    Also, try to
    ? Reference in-text with page number
    ? Use 10-12 primary resources.
    ? Use 12 references, and try to use more e-journals than e-books
    ? Send me the reference pdf files or the link of the references because we have been asked to show them to the professor.


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