Argue whether Jennie Livingston’s Paris is Burning is primarily a film about class, race or gender and why Custom Essay

    Argue whether Jennie Livingston’s Paris is Burning is primarily a film about class, race or gender, and why. Consider both your argument and a counter argument.
    You must base your answer on one film and consider both your point and a counterpoint. You may find it easier to examine one key scene in detail in your answer.

    Your answer must incorporate film theory terminology and semiotic terminology. You must also refer to at least five different pieces of film criticism. The sources for these may range from academic journals to academic books and film magazines, but you must incorporate at least one article from an academic journal.

    Each source must be referenced correctly, using the Harvard referencing
    Your responses must be written in formal English and must not be written from a first person perspective – write “This film presents” rather than “I think”. Remember, this assignment is testing your ability to understand and interpret films, not your own opinions of the subject matter shown or whether you like the film. You must use appropriate spelling, syntax, punctuation and grammar.

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