

    Are School Uniforms Beneficial: Annotated Bibliography

    Kristen Ingram

    Itawamba Community College

    English Comp. II

    Maria Stuab



    Are School Uniforms Beneficial: Annotated Bibliography

    Leslie Watkins. (2016, November 12). School uniforms are beneficial for county students.

    Columbian-Progress (MS).

    Leslie’s newspaper is furthermore persuading that wearing uniforms at school are

    essential to students. The newspaper encourages that uniforms are very beneficial as far as the

    cost of clothing and also creates a more constructive environment. It also includes a helpful

    source to help students express their creativity while still complying with the dress code. The

    newspaper includes that wearing uniforms demonstrates a more constructive environment. It

    creates equality and cuts down on distractions.

    Jones, A. B., Richardson, M. J., Jensen, B. T., & Whiting, E. F. (2020). Perceptions of School

    Uniforms in Relation to Socioeconomic Statuses. Research in Middle Level Education Online,

    43(6), 1–13.

    The authors are displaying results by information taken on surveys to the public about

    students wearing uniforms. The survey results show that many people have their opposing

    differences about the kids wearing uniforms. Some are on board with the thought of not having to

    stress about a full wardrobe. Wearing uniforms limits the things parents have to go out and buy.

    While others feel the complete opposite they would for students to have a choice in how they

    dress. It also presents that wearing uniforms may be more effective for older kids rather than

    younger ones, as older kids care more about their appearance.

    Chittom, L., & Ginsburg, J. (2015). School Uniforms: An Overview. Points of View: School

    Uniforms, 1.

    Chittom and Ginsburg, presents information from different perspectives. Research shows

    wearing uniforms has a negative effect and is harmful to student’s academics. They say that


    school uniforms are created to increase self-consciousness and prevent students from sending the

    wrong type of messages through clothing. The article states that people have tried to take matters

    to court by using The First Amendment but they are not having much luck. Many kids are not

    faced with pressure with the dress code implemented.

    Donnelly, M. (2020). Dress Codes and Uniforms in Public Schools. Dress Codes & Uniforms in

    Public Schools — Research Starters Education, 1–8.

    Donnelly gives us more insight on how uniforms originated. According to the information

    the author provided, the thought of changing some schools' dress code first began in the 1980s

    and 1990s. Private Schools are the first schools that were open to uniforms. The article also

    includes names of the first public schools to change over to uniforms. It was stated several times

    that if the school district could get more feedback from the parents on this topic the better off the

    whole idea would be.

    Walker, K., & Education Partnerships, I. (EPI). (2007). School Uniforms. Research Brief. In

    Education Partnerships, Inc. Education Partnerships, Inc.

    The author presented pros and cons on School Uniforms. The article says that wearing

    uniforms saves time on getting ready for school. The opposing argues that parents would spend

    more time on arranging clothes because one would need different sets everyday. One of the

    biggest drop out reasons in high school comes from students having a hard time dealing with

    other students.While there is proven evidence that uniforms do help improve a lot of things,

    many people still argue that it is not necessary. Reading this will give more insight on the

    different opinions.

    Boutelle, M. (2008). UNIFORMS: Are They a Good Fit? Education Digest, 73(6), 34–37.


    This paper attempts to compare the relationship between genders, and discipline while

    going through the specifics of contemporary dress code policies. It also tells more about the

    consequences that most schools have put in place if the dress code is not met. Students could face

    warnings and even suspension if the rules are not followed. Some school uniforms implemented

    skirts and that was a big deal while some female students were not comfortable with wearing

    skirts but were forced to. It ended with if some female student would rather wear pants it can be

    put in place while still complying with the dress code.

    Forster, M., & Geier, D. B. (2015). Point: The High Cost of School Uniforms. Points of View:

    School Uniforms, 2.

    Foster argues that wearing uniforms does not help in any way for students or parents. The

    article states that there are more things that schools could put their focus on to better children

    besides forcing them to follow a dress code. Not only does it keep students from expressing

    themself, it doesnt let them be their own individual person. The article also states that it does not

    give parents the freedom to raise their children how they want too. Also this mandate is hindering

    students from getting prepared for the real world.

    Brown, T. J. (1998). Legal Issues and the Trend towards School Uniforms.

    In this paper there are legal statements from some of the first schools that adopted

    uniforms in their district. According to the U.S. Department of Education by the year of 1996

    there were over 10 states that had some type of dress code put in place for students. It states that

    uniforms were put in place to decrease any violence, health and safety issues. By putting this

    mandate in order it reduces a lot of distractions many schools face. Reading this paper informs

    the reader more about the background of the dress code and why it was put in place.


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