Applied Social Research

    Assignment Type: Literature Review
    Assignment question,
    Research the literature available in relation to your research proposal (please see attached my research proposal) and write a literature review outlining the main ideas, areas of conflict in the literature and any gaps in the knowledge.
    The Literature Review should:
    ? Include two or three relevant research studies that are selectively focused to the topic discussed, and each paragraph concerning the literature must be linked back to your proposal.
    (Very important! For this section you need to do some research and find literature or academic journal and Choose two or three of these academic journal/ literature that are most relevant or closest to the study/the research you are doing or the area)
    (Review this literature one by one. When you review this article or what?s discussed in the particular article, it?s important to Explain/Write what the research Aims to do, Who the participant were, whether they are the same or different, what the research found, what answers were found, what was left unanswered what conclusion did they make, was there any limitations, were the findings of the researches similar or the same to previous studies. Then after reviewing this three literature one by one then then link those literature review back to the proposal (which is my assignment on attached for your information) and explain if the research you reviewed is similar or different to the current research you are proposing and if it will aim or address the gap that was highlighted in other studies/researches. (This is to help us integrate the proposal with the researched literature and help the essay flow)) Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
    ? Discuss of any conflicting findings/opinions in the literature
    ? Explain how your proposed research will address gaps you have identify in the literature.
    (Explain how the proposed research will address the gap you have identified in the literature. This can be done just in a couple of sentences within the paragraph you are discussing don?t go in to detail about the methodology)
    ? Show how the research has helped you answer your research question or helped you with knowledge.
    ? Integrate the research question throughout Integrate the research question throughout to show you are still in the topic.
    (Stay on topic on what you have decided your research question to be and demonstrate this by discussing how it has helped you answered your research question and contributed to the knowledge about your research question. (I needed to know much more about who your participants would be (age, gender etc) and a sentence or so about how you would recruit them/where from.) write a sub question for the two question on my proposal(assignment one attached)
    please note Although you are reviewing two or three literature important to Include a wide range of sources to back up what you are discussing and to support what you?re putting .incorporate other article or references and/or statistics and show a wide source and reference them
    ? Present your ideas clearly and logically.
    ? provide an introduction and conclusion
    ? Be structured correctly, including an introduction and conclusion, have good written expression including

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