Application of nursing theory applied to solve problems/issues in nursing practice Custom Essay

    The purpose of the assignment is to synthesize one strategy for the application of a specific nursing theory to resolving a problem or issue of nursing practice in nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics or health policy.

    1. Introduction: to the paper includes a few general statements of the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/issues in nursing practice.m would a grand or mid range nursing theory be best to use? In addition, a brief one paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory. The selected nursing theory can be a grand nursing theory, middle range theory or practice theory.

    2. Description of the problem/issue for what strategies will be developed. The problem to be resolved must be in nursing theory, leadership, informatics, education or health policy. Scholarly evidence supporting the issue is included. The problem needs to be something that a nursing theory can impact. It’s best if it is real life.

    3. Applying concepts and principles from the selected theory, one strategy for resolving the identified issue is described in depbt. Detail on how the theory would be applied are included. Rationales as well as evidence from scholarly literature are included. One ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed. Expected outcomes from implementing the strategy are proposed.

    4. Conclusion statement include new knowledge about applying nursing theory gained by writing this paper.

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