Appeal Letter to Register into 4th Year Courses

    I want to write an academic appeal for enrolling into 4th year pharmacy courses.
    I am in 3rd year now and failed two courses each with letter grade of D.

    The rule says, “A student may carry over to the next professional year only one course with a letter grade D, D+ or C- after securing the approval of the School Academic Council. Courses from which students have withdrawn or scored a letter grade F may not be carried over. A carried over course must be completed with a minimum letter grade C within the next academic year or Summer semester in order to be promoted to the next professional year.”

    I wasn’t aware of this rule. So I can’t proceed with taking 4th year courses in Fall 2016. I should repeat the two failed courses first in Spring 2017 so I have nothing to take in Fall 2016 and then I can take 4th year courses in Fall 2017. This way I will be academically delayed.

    I am in good academic standing and I don’t wan’t to waste a year. I want to keep on track and graduate on time.

    I would like to rectify the situation. I want to show the school that I am m a dedicated student and am ready to put a lot of effort and I do possess the passion and motivation. Grades does not indicate that I’m a bad student.

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