AnziaYezierska’s Bread Givers

    AnziaYezierska’s Bread Givers
    Write an essay of no fewer than two full pages and no more than three full pages, double-spaced and set in a standard 12-point typeface (the usual best candidates are Times New Roman 12 or CG Times Roman 12 or Arial 12). The basis for this essay is AnziaYezierska’s Bread Givers
    Discuss the following statement:

    “America is at the core of AnziaYezierska’s novel Bread Givers, as it is at the core of The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. But there are significant differences among these three books. For Franklin, America was the setting and context within which he found success and fulfillment as a businessman, a philanthropist, and a politician. For Douglass, America was the goal seemingly out of his reach as an American slave, the goad that impelled him to escape slavery and to seize and assert his freedom, and the embodiment of the agonizing contradiction of slavery’s existence, legitimacy, and central role in the land of the free.
    “For Sara Smolinsky, the heroine and narrator of Bread Givers, and for AnziaYezierska, the America at the core of the book is the American dream – but that dream is both a promise and a source of conflict. The promise is of freedom to realize oneself. The conflict is between her New World dream of freedom and self-realization and her Old World obligations to her family and to her faith. This clash torments not only the fictional Sara Smolinsky, and the real AnziaYezierska, but all immigrants to the ‘Golden Land’ of America.”

    Discuss this statement. In your essay, consider these clashing meanings of the American dream. Must fulfillment in the New World require abandonment of the Old World? At the novel’s close, has Sara Smolinksy achieved the American dream? Has she prevailed over the obstacles facing her, or has she had to reach a compromise between her New World hopes and her Old World obligations?


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