Any topic (writer’s choice)

    Paper instructions:
    Please “critique” Alexander Chapter 6 and the two

    internet articles, “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” and

    “Undoing Racism” in two page.
    Please “critique” Presentation on Filipino Nurses in

    one page.

    Topic: The declining significance of race? Practicing

    1. Assignment: Alexander Chapter 6
    2. Assignment: Letter from a Birmingham Jail
    3. Assignment: Undoing Racism
    4. Assignment: Presentation on Filipino Nurses

    1: this is the textbook name of the assignment 1:

    Alexander, Michelle. 2010. The New Jim Crow: Mass

    Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. New York:

    The New Press.

    2: this is the link of the assignment 2:


    3: this is the link of the assignment 3:


    4: this is the link of the assignment 4:

    note: (look for the file that I uploaded it, it’s the

    powerPoint of the Presentation on Filipino Nurses.)

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