Any topic (writer’s choice)

    The topic of emotional intelligence has taken center stage in the past 25-30 years, and it has increased in popularity with understanding oneself better. Becoming more self-aware, and being able to modulate emotions better has become a cardinal feature of effective leadership and potential for relationships. Emotions, themselves, can act as signals in ourselves and in others. If we are able to manage our emotions, and try to not react at the moment, but rather, respond, better outcomes may be obtained. We not only have to think about our own emotions, but also, that of others. For example, there may be features of a discussion that may show increased upset, anger, or sadness, and reacting to that with someone else may increase the hostility and not have productive outcomes. There is an old quote saying they dont care what you know until they know that you care. If we can put our own emotions to the side, even momentarily, to try to maintain a position of empathy and be able to think, progress may be quicker for a solution. Listening is one of the keys skills in emotional intelligence to have, along with fostering better communication skills overall(Miller, 2022). Great leaders cultivate an environment of freedom of safe expression, team spirit, and vision for the greater goals of the enterprise. Self awareness is extremely important to be able to know how our own emotions and resulting behavior will ultimately affect others(Whitney, 2018).

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