Any topic (writer’s choice)

    Semester ProjectLesson Plan/Tutorial

    Basic Steps

    Choose a topic that can relate to either a) inequality and/or b) the globe.
    Develop an intimate lesson plan to tutor about 3-4 other people in one class period.
    That plan should include;
    Topic and Main points
    Abstract/Theoretical definition of the main points
    Concrete/Real world examples of the main points
    2, and 3 represent the main lessonshould take about 10-15 minutes
    Basis for discussion and feedback
    Allow for unstructured discussion and feedback to follow up, reexplain, etc. (give about 10 minutes for this)
    Exercise/workshop to assess retention of the main points.
    Devise some type of activity to assess whether the student understands the main point.
    Activities may include a short quiz, a verbal statement, or some other instrument (give this about 15 minutes).
    In the end, you will have a 35-40 minute lesson plan
    You are free to be creative. The point is to make a couple/few other people learn something. Any lesson format that does that is good. For example, it doesnt need to mimic a typical class with power-point and lecture. It can, but doesnt need to.

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